Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Randy and I

Randy and I were gone over the weekend teaching at a Marriage Retreat.
Our 27th Wedding Anniversary is Friday.
So, I thought I would take a post and tell you about my husband, Randy.

He's probably the kindest man I know... he's thoughtful, sensitive and wise... an incredible father to our three kids. Oh and the smartest man I know... I swear he has retained everything he has ever heard... I am serious!

When I came out here to Phx... I was two months away from heading back to WI. I had only wanted to come out here for a year, grow in my faith, and go back home. But then I met Randy at a Hand in Hand concert that we were singing at. I heard his voice, singing these amazing songs... and they made me cry. (believe it or not, back then I rarely ever cried)
We went to a movie on our first date and I quickly became aware of his deep love and commitment to the Lord. And then one night he made me laugh and that is when I knew... he's the one. I still went back to WI that summer... we wrote letters and talked on the phone... and then I returned to Phx. Aug. 28, 1978 and we were married a year later on Aug. 25, 1979.

I love that he loves Christmas and Disneyland like no other.
I love that he still puts gas in my van.
I love that he decorates like crazy for Halloween.
I love that he puts extra memory on my Mac to surprise me.
I love that he fixes all the cars to save money.
I love that he lets me be me... just the way I am.
I love that he is honest, patient and trustworthy.
I love that he is... just the way he is.


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    happy a-day, hope you have a great day, and someday i'll get to your house for a visit. What will you do on the a-day?

  2. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I think he is a pretty awesome uncle and now an awesome GREAT-uncle too! Kennady will never forget all the games she learned from uncle randy!

  3. Yeah, we kind of like him too. But then, we like you just as much and together, WOW!!!! What a great match made in heaven.

    We're so thankful to have you as friends.

  4. Anonymous11:30 AM

    You guys have such a beautiful relationship and such a strong love. It is so encouraging for Shawn and I to watch you love each other.

  5. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Hi Linda! Wow! You're a blogger! (What is a Blog anyway?) I just figured out email! Just wanted to congratulate you and Randy on year 27! God is soooooo good and I'm so thankful He brought you two together. We love and miss you guys and always pray for you! Check out our new church website sometime. It's coming along. wvbconline.org.
    Love ya,
    Laurie Ast
