Tuesday, August 15, 2006

this and that

I thought I'd share some tidbits of this and that so that you have a sense of where I am coming from.

Ten years in 4-H intoduced me to sewing, cooking, leathercraft, canning, knitting and travel.
I played the bassoon in high school... our woodwind quintet went to state.
Went to a one-room school in first grade, grades 1st- 6th, 5 girls and 15 boys... the year President Kennady was killed.
It was a big deal when the Schwann's man came to the farm once a month.
I was a cheerleader for football and basketball.
It is still a big deal when the Schwann's man comes to our house every two weeks now.
I saved the wad of gum I was chewing when I got Harmon Killabrews autograph at a Twins game.
I save and collect... well... everything.
My name is Linda Thompson and I am an ice cream addict.
I graduated with 78 in 1975... Randy graduated with 1200 in 1972.
My parents met at a roller skating rink (married 56 years)... Randy's parents met at a roller skating rink (married 64 years).
Went to Cosmetology school after high school... worked in a shop one year.
I came out here to Phx. 29 years ago with a friend... met Randy and well, I'm still here and still missing the four seasons.
Linda and I grew up together (both named Linda Larson) and wrote and sang Christian music when we came out here.
I don't know how to swim.
I'm a stay-at-home Mom to our puppies Koda (1) and Wiley (5).... and our son Tyler (17).


  1. what'll you do when Tyler moves out?


  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I think you are so adorable! you will have to give me makeup tips next time i am there..

  3. I know Wiley and Koda appreciate you being home more... I don't think Koda could function without her translator!

    Also, the Schwann's man ROCKS!! For those you who have not discovered his magical ways, you need to!

  4. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I love the blog. And I am sorry I hurt your feelings, please know that was not my intention and know that if for some reason I had a problem with something you were doing I would bring it up directly with you. Thanks for being my second mom and holding me accontable, I know sometimes my words (like many things online) don't come accross as intended.

  5. What's a Schwann's man?

  6. I am also a BIG ice cream fan -- in more ways than one, unfortunately! Erin -- Air Out is my niece. Although it's been awhile, Schwanns does have good ice cream.
