Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Nicole's 25!

Shawn's precious wife Nicole turns 25 years old today! She is truly a gift to our son and to our family. Nicole is the sister that Miranda always wished she had... and Miranda is the sister that Nicole never had. They love to break out and sing the "Sister, Sister" song from "White Christmas"... or was it "Holiday Inn"... Oh well... they make me laugh!
And Shawn and Nicole are just so cute together, so funny and so much fun to spend time with. Love them to pieces!

I would have posted a pic of Nicole & Shawn... but I will wait till her birthday party this weekend. It's a "Pretty in Pink" party that her Mom is hosting and we are all to wear pink! How fun is that!!
So that leads me to my "deal of the day"! Went to Kohls and got Randy a pink shirt for the party... retailed at $35.00 and on clearance for only $3.60... oh, but wait... because I used my Kohl's charge I got another 20% off all my items... so basically I got the shirt for NOTHING! So if Randy never wears it again... who cares!


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    it's from White Christmas ... but they're not allowed to sing it anymore until they learn all the words ...tsk tsk ...
    tell Nicole that Andrew and I love her ...

  2. What a great deal on the pink shirt... you are a bargain hunters dream! The pink party sounds fun. I can't wait to hear about it.

  3. So which other Nancy is making comments on your blog?

    Awesome shopping! I think Randy will look great in pink with his dark hair so he has to wear it at least one more time so we can see it.
