Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Starr Pass resort

Randy and I stayed at this gorgeous resort outside of Tucson this past weekend. Randy did the music for a Leadership Catalyst conference being held at the Starr Pass Resort and I drove to the resort Saturday night after a wedding.
Randy and I could never afford such luxury so we feel especially blessed to have experienced it with our dear friends who also worked at the conference!
We witnessed a glorious sunrise out on the patio Sunday morning.
How wonderful that God created such beauty in the colors of the desert.


  1. Oh, how amazing!!! I love that part of Arizona.

  2. Anonymous6:02 AM

    I loved Tucson when we visited last year! So much to see and do.

  3. I read about the retreat at another blog. It sounds like you had a great weekend.

  4. Hi Linda,

    I'm popping in to thank you for the nice comments you've left on my blog. It was a real pleasure for me to read them. Nice to meet you! :D Now I'm off to ecplore some more of your blog!

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Let's go golfing!
