Monday, October 30, 2006

weekend pics

Randy called me early yesterday morning on his way to church to tell me to quick go outside and see the gorgeous sunrise!

My handy handsome husband!

All yard sale and thrift store finds!

The center piece for a luncheon I hosted yesterday after church.

So what's with all the pics you ask... well, I am learning to use our digital camera and I am having soooo much fun and... well, I just had to share my favorites with you! Can you tell how excited I am about my new passion! Be sure to clic the pic to enlarge!


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    lovely lovely ...

    where are the Halloween-party pics?

  2. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Hello and thanks for your visit to my blog.
    I love your photos. It is so fun to take them and share, isn't it!
    I love all your thrift store goodies.

  3. :) I love playing with the digital camera too! My favorite part is that you get to see the picture that you JUST took! :)

  4. I sure did click to enlarge and loved what I saw! The sky looks like it is on fire in your first pic! You have a wonderful garden and spectacular decorations. The decorated garden cupboard is my fave! Great thrift store finds Linda!

  5. Great pics! You're getting better every day. The colors are gorgeous! I can't wait to post some from our weekend away. I took over 300 in 2 days...I'd say maybe 20 or so are really good.

  6. Thanks a lot for leaving a comment to my blog. What a lovely blog you have, I will definitively come again! ;-)) I love your shelf with all the garden goodies!
    Happy Halloween, hope you enjoyed the trick or treaters!
