Friday, December 01, 2006

It's beginning to look alot like


I love Christmas! I love all the hustle & bustle, the giving & receiving. I love the true meaning of what CHRISTmas is all about!
I love that it is cold... for Phx anyway. I love that every day I'm decorating a part of my home for Christmas. I love that we don't do it all in one day... that we drag it out for several days. Let me put it this way, we have to! We have so much! Hey, we didn't get the title of Mr. & Mrs. Christmas by doing the usual tree and Lego Santa collection. Oh... not everyone has a Lego Santa collection? See what I mean. And yes, we did kinda give ourselves that title but most everyone agrees. I admit, we get a little carried away with all our collections and traditions. We do have one of the most extensive collections of Christmas music. We literally decorate every nook & cranny inside & out. But hey, I plan on giving you a little taste, a little peek into what that looks like. I plan on telling you the stories behind the numerous traditions we honor each year. I plan to do this mostly for me... it's a way for me to reminisce and document and photograph and journal and eventually to scrapbook, so that I will not forget... and so that generations will know why they do what they do year after year after year.
Welcome to our home! I hope you enjoy Christmas at our house!


  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I love how much you decorate and I gotta see that lego collection! I am laughing to myself about when the first grandkid comes over and sees all of that stuff hahaha! miss ya!

  2. I love the mittens over the window...I want to do that but haven't found enough mittens yet. Feel free to pick up some for me if you see them while yard-sailing.
    Speaking of may be doing some Christmas child-proofing in coming years! What fun that will be.

    Looking forward to your December blogging...

  3. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Read your blog about decorating the tree - had to laugh when I came to the Sugar Bear part - we got the same ornament in 1990 when our daughter was 8 years old. Sugar Bear was more than an ornament - we would start the music then throw him - taught our Dana about the Doppler effect with him. One year, he somehow got run over by my car. Still worked fine. Last year, I probably bid against you ebay - I won another Sugar Bear so that my then 24-years old daughter could take it to her new apartment. This year, our music is really sick sounding, so I'm ebaying for another one! Deborah
