Thursday, January 04, 2007

change is good

The last two posts were of a rather serious nature. Sorry about that. I get that way at the start of a New Year. Why can't I just have longings to floss my teeth more often. That's tangible... that's doable. But nooo, I go for the lofty, intangible goals... that hopefully aren't going to set me up for failure. But, enough said.
On to a more hands-on approach to living... like thrifting, crafting and scrapping! I can do that! And very well, I might add!
On the home front... clearing out all evidence of Christmas. Why is that just as satisfying as getting it all out? I say I hate change... but I sure welcome it too. I can get real tired of the same ole. For instance, when I was in high school... you know how they take yearbook pictures all year long and being from a small school, I was in a lot of pics. Well this is the truth, in every single picture I have a totally different hairstyle! I was constantly changing my hair, my look. They say I had a flare for the drama and it must have played out in what I wore, my hairstyles and yes, even my handwriting. I was constantly changing my handwriting. I was always copying someone elses style... never content with my own.

So I just got back from my favorite little thrift store and found this glass sugar container for 50 cents... I had a hunch that my favorite IKEA cording would fit inside and make it more handy to use when I'm wrapping a present! Could this look any cuter!


  1. so clever! i love when stuff is used for a different purpose then it was intended for.

  2. What a fantastic idea!
    Happy New Year!!

  3. How cool! I never would have thought of that! You're so creative.

  4. That is too darn clever! I am completely impressed. :) I'll have to file this idea away in my memory banks until the new IKEA opens by my mom's house this spring!

  5. IKEA is one of my favorite stores! And going to thrift stores too :) (see "T" of the word "hospitable" on my blog).

    You've written a few blogs since I've visited, I'd better catch up! :)

  6. That is a very clever and cute idea! I'll have to remember that one! P.S. I was the same way with hair and stuff- sometimes I still am!

  7. No, it could not look any cuter. What a clever idea!

    I love to find new clever ideas when I am reading blogs. Thanks!

  8. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I love how you can find the littlest things and make them so cute. You are so innately creative. Im so jealous!

  9. that is super cute and you have the greatest ideas on here.
