Tuesday, January 02, 2007

a must see movie

Saw this real good movie last night... "Diary of a Mad Black Woman".
Miranda got it for Christmas and wanted us to watch it with her and I gotta tell you, it was good... REAL good! There are some scenes in the movie that just blew me away. It's about the affects of sin done against someone, the anger, the bitterness, the hurt, the unwillingness to forgive. There is a powerful scene where Cicely Tyson (she has a small role but she steals every scene, she is that good!) says some profound statements about forgiveness. Man, I couldn't stop crying... made me think of those I know that are struggling to forgive, to let go and be free from the power of the sin done against them. I know first hand... how it affects our health, our energy-level, our focus... keeps us in bondage, unable to move on and experience peace, joy and contentment.
This is what I know to be true... we don't forgive because they are finally deserving or sorry, or because they asked... but we forgive for OUR sake, so they won't have power over us anymore, so we can move on, so we can have peace, so that we can be set free from the affects of the sin done against us. I know, it's not easy... we want them to pay, we want them to hurt like we do... but it's not worth how it's affecting us and our loved ones.
Tyler Perry plays multiple roles in the movie, having written and produced the movie too. He is a believer and is very vocal about his faith when I have seen him on Oprah. He himself struggled for years and finally found Christ and was able to forgive his Dad for the horrific abuse done against him. The movie is very uplifting and moral and full of truth.
A must see! Tell me what YOU think...


  1. I love that movie... but of course I am the one that made you watch it, glad you liked it!!

  2. What a great review!

    I rarely watch movies, but I am planning to watch more in '07.

    I will have to add this one to my list.

    I do enjoy watching a good movie on a weekend afternoon while hand quilting. I will have to find time to do that more often.

  3. You should tell Bruce about this one. He's always looking for good clips to use at events to illustrate their point. Sounds like this one would be perfect!
