Thursday, January 04, 2007

two posts in one day!

OK, I'm a little freaked at the moment...
Here's what happened. My all-time favorite blog site in all of blogdom is Alicia Paulson's blog... better known as Posie Gets Cozy. She is a well known crafter... she's amazing at everything she does... super multi-talented! I will have no need for magazines as long as she keeps blogging and posting her amazing photos... seriously, her photos are stellar. And she's my favorite writer too. Be sure to read her archives... she was in a terrible accident shortly after she married and moved to Portland and... oh, you can read it for yourself.
Anyway, two major magazines came out this week that are featuring her home... Better Homes & Garden's Creative Homes Spring 2007 issue and Romantic Homes January 2007 issue. So I went to Borders this morning to sit and look through both magazines. And well, I was a little disappointed in the pictures that both magazines took of her home. Alicia should have taken them for the magazine. Her photos of her home are so good, they make me want to paint every wall in my home aqua! Really!
So when I got home, I left a comment on her blog and told her that I loved the features in both magazines but that she should have taken the pictures herself. Well, within minutes, she emailed me the sweetest email about having them in her home, the experience of both photo shoots! You guys, I was like... WOW, I just got an email from Alicia!!!! I can call her my friend now!!! Randy thinks I'm the biggest groupy that ever lived... and he's right you know.
But hey, I'm sure she didn't actually look at my blog... she sent me an email. And that's ok... I can live with that... it's a start!


Suzy ~ lorenzstudio said...

You got an email from Alicia!! I'm so jealous! :) I tried looking for her articles but couldn't find the right magazines.

Unknown said...

I would like Alicia to be my new best friend! Hers was one of the first crafty blogs that I ever found and I have been in love ever since. I know what you mean about wanting to paint everything aqua.

I am on the hunt for the magazines as well, but I'm sad to hear the photos are disappointing! Bummer. Have you heard the Craft Sanity podcast interview with her? It's really interesting. (fellow groupie here!) :)

Deb said...

Alicia's Posie Gets Cozy blog is one of my favourites too - and a daily read! I've been looking for the two magazines featuring her home but no luck yet.

NanAZ said...

So I checked out Alicia's blog. You're right. Great photos. Everythings so bright and cheery and colorful. Kinda like candy land.

some day I need to get a list of some of the blogs you check.

Anita said...

Haha, you really seems to be thrilled about Alicia... ;-)) But can fully understand you. I just had a quick look at her blog and you are absolutely right: there is a kind of magic in her photos, I love that, too! I immediately saved her site on my favourite blogs list, I need to return when I've more time...
Thanks a lot Linda for sharing this link!

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda.
Thanks for the comment in my blog.And thanks for leading me over to Alicia's blog.

Sandy said...

Very cool, "Posie Gets Cozy!"

Thanks for sharing!

Nancy said...

Wow, what an exciting day you have had! Lucky you, thanks for sharing.

Diana LaMarre said...

I get the Romantic Homes mag, but I didn't see any article about her. What page? Is it the issue that has "British Brilliance" on the top?