Tuesday, January 23, 2007

unusual containers

Growing up on a dairy farm, I have memories of my Dad and my brothers scooping feed from the feed scoop as they rolled the feed cart through the isles of the barn for the cows. So I was thrilled to find a similar feed scoop at a yard sale and decided to use it to hold my cooking utensils. I saw in 'Martha' where she put a candle in one and I did that for years, but have always loved the challenge of finding unusual uses for unusual containers.

Do you remember watching "Hope Floats" and seeing Sandra Bullock's character using an old metal lunch box for her camera? I loved that! So I found one at a yard sale and that is where I store my scrapbooking paints and foam brushes. Cute or what!
I collect big old coat buttons and store them in my favorite glass jar that I found in Appleton, WI last summer for $3.00! And of course canning jars are the best for ribbons, lace, stickers, rick rack, etc.

Every year after my Hollyhocks are through blooming, I harvest all the different varieties and colors of seeds and store them in these former sugar jars... what was the brand again? Sweet 'n low? Anyway, I love these glass jars and the way they look in this old tool caddy. Oh and remember the spice rack that I found to store tiny embellishments... so handy and useful. Check it out.


  1. I had no idea that was a feed scoop... Adds a little character to it. I need to start thinking about decorating my new apartment... I need inventory of all the furniture stuff I am getting so I will know what I still need.

  2. Cool ideas! I'm on the lookout for a unique jar to hold cotton balls in the bathroom.

  3. Great ideas. I love the feed scoop!! Love the idea of not buying new things-but looking at old things in new ways!

  4. Great ideas. I do the same with old things. It is so fun.

  5. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Fun finds! I love the lunch box! Great ideas!

  6. Thanks for leaving the nice comments on my blog and now because of that I've found yours! I've quickly looked over some of your past posts...what a great family you have!

  7. Love your finds, Linda. We found some great things this weekend...including another sewing machine (we paid for this one, though)...I'll have to post some pictures of the finds

  8. Pretty clever use for that feed scoop!

    I also love the look of the jars in the wooden tool box.

    Neat stuff!

  9. Oh my gosh! You have the BEST old containers....lucky girl. I love that kind of stuff!

  10. Anonymous4:08 PM

    I have a great flower vase that is actually a row of 6 little bottles for bath salts. Looks cute with 6 big red zinneas in it!

  11. Love the idea of using the feeder to hold utensils!
    I saw a cd holder shaped like one of those old metal lunch boxes the other day. Even better, it was pink!

  12. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Sweet!! I love everything you have. What a smart girl you are to make the feed scoop a utensil holder! I love it. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog and please share your "Posie" type room when you finish. I love her aqua walls too!!

  13. You are so clever, girl!! :)
