Tuesday, February 13, 2007

pin cushions & buttons

Yesterday I realized I had a pin cushion collection going on. Who knew!
I have discovered some of the sweetest pin cushions out there... like Heather's... and are these not the cutest pins ever! I gotta get me some! All of these pin cushions were found at yard sales for around a quarter each, except for the red magnetic one in the top pic, bought brand new.

I have also had a thing for buttons. Probably one of my earliest childhood memories are of playing with my Mom's basket of buttons. When we would go over to my Grandma's house, I'd play with her buttons too. I still love the feel of buttons running through my fingers... all the various shapes & sizes... separating them by color and design. I especially love big, old coat buttons. Some are hideously big and gaudy, but that only makes them all the more desirable!


  1. I played with buttons at my neighbors! I was fascinated by them. I've never seen so many cool pin cushions! FUN!

  2. I love your pincushions! They are all so unusual. I think maybe the globe is my favorite!

    What is is about buttons? When I was little we used to go to a fabric store and they had a sandbox filled with buttons for the kids to play in while the moms shopped. I loved it! I remember begging my mom to buy me some buttons that had rhinestones in them. I was a sucker for the sparklies even way back then. :)

  3. Linda, what a nice idea. And so colourful every thing.


  4. Your pincushion collection is adorable!!!I should try one too. I've also been fascinated by buttons and you have such a GOOD idea to keep them! Happy Valentines Day!

  5. What a sweet little collection. I love the hen!

    Happy hearts day, LA

  6. I love buttons too, which is why I need to craft more. I don't sew, so what am I going to do with all these buttons. They are pretty, though. I love the wire carrier you have your button jars in.

  7. Wow, what a pretty pin cushion collection you have! I sewed one for myself at the beginning of January - and thought one pin cushion would be enough to have... ??? Am I wrong? How many pin cushions do one need? I recently even saw a pin cusion swap on one of the American blogs...

    Oh, I adore your buttons, too! I am still looking for pretty buttons that I could use for my hearts.

    Happy Valentine's day to you, Linda!

  8. Oh, those big red, yellow and green buttons would be quite the treasure for Jack.

  9. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I love your pin cushion and button collections. I also have these collections, though not as nice as yours.

  10. Anonymous3:11 PM

    I love your pin cushion and button collections. I also have these collections, though not as nice as yours.

  11. Oh, they are lovely! All of them. That's it. When you and Randy come to Pensacola, you're staying with us and we're going garage saling!!

    Check out this girl's etsy shop. She makes some sweet pincushions!

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love your blog!

  13. Anonymous5:43 PM

    What a wonderful collection ~ love your pin cushions!!! And buttons are SO fun!!!!

  14. Anonymous5:43 PM

    What an awesome collection, I love it! If you look over at Allsorts, she has some great shrinky dink pins that would look so sweet in your cushions.

    I have my button collection is jars too, can never have too many buttons!

    I'm still drooling over all those pin cushions, I'm going to be thinking about them all night :)

  15. Cute pin cushions I too have just started placing buttons in jars on display..thank you for commenting at nature-trail...Happy Valentines Day!
    I love Arizona..son lives out there!hugs NG

  16. Your pin cushions are sooooooo cute. I don't think I could pick just one. I have an old container filled with buttons that I found when I was going through my Mothers things. I kept them and all the old beads and costume jewelry with hopes of doing something with them one day.

  17. What a fub post! I love the chicken cushion and the buttons. I really do need a support group for my button problem!
