Tuesday, February 27, 2007

the three sisters

Soooo, the day after the three sisters made the "thread catchers" (see post below) they awoke to freshly fallen snow and 6 degrees outside! So what do the three sisters do? They go to a farm auction! I know, what were they thinking! Well, they are thinking layers, lots of layers! You know, underwear under the jeans, double socks, boots, the works! They sip coffee and hot soup. They still freeze! So they go back to their Mom & Dad's home to regain feeling in their toes... and play "home makeover"!

We really did! We reorganized all the closets, helped Mom weed out stuff, looked through her old pink jewelry box (I still love to do that!), went through an old trunk of plaid wool skirts and pants from high school, rescued them for future craft projects. We had so much fun. Every time I go home, I bring back a piece of my past... something that unlocks a memory that was maybe forgotten or that I want to recapture and preserve in some way. Comforts me. Makes me stay connected to my roots. I'm like that... if you didn't know.


  1. hi linda carol here pink cottage
    I see you want a cupcake
    i sell the kits to make them if you really need one desparatly LOL let me know

  2. so did you buy anything at the auction?
    What a fun day for you and your two sisters (I have 2 sisters, too).

  3. Isn't it funny how the past is so interesting to us now? I keep reminding myself of that (and what our kids and grandkids will remember) when trying to decide what to keep and what to get rid of and when taking pictures. I have very few pics of the house I grew up in, film developing was expensive in those days and who woulda thought we'd want to see it again? Sometimes I think about drawing what I remember, but it probably wouldn't look the same...well maybe some day I try to describe it our capture it somehow...or maybe I'll try to go in the house. Last we saw it had been empty for years and not in great shape...we'll see...

  4. Anonymous1:31 PM

    How sweet!! You remind me of me an my two sisters, we are always doing things like this. Love it!


  5. And .. you remind me of ME and my two sisters!

    Fun post!

  6. Linda, what a nice photo. You all have the same eyes. I have only one sister and I see her one time the year.


  7. What a nice story!!!!!!!!!

  8. Oooh how beautiful and touching post you have here. This makes me thinking of my two brothers...theyre okay but having such sisters! I envy you. Your sewing projects are just great!!! Hope to see more someday...
