Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's raining!

I am sooo happy! Last week it was 99 degrees and today it's rainy and cool! I am sooo happy! OK, so my sister Ginny calls... tells me to go buy the June issue of Country Decorating Flea Market Style magazine... she says to call when I get it... hey, any excuse to get out in the rain... I find it after 4 stores... I make me some hot chocolate... magazine's ready... time to call Ginny! Have I told you how happy I am when it rains?!!
Koda & Wiley love the rain too!

I'm back!! OH MY GOSH! Ginny & I just went through the whole magazine together and it is AMAZING!!! A must-have!


  1. That sounds like some fun, sister time. My sister and I watch sporting events over the phone together. She isn't into the decorating like I am.

    Cheers! LA

  2. I'll have to keep my eyes out for that magazine. JUNE issue? Yikes, it's not even April! LOL And you hot chocolate looks like it was delish!

  3. rain is only lovely when you don't have to fight traffic at rush hour, or ride your bike to school. ... ugh.

  4. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I missed the rain being cooped up at work all day, it seems to only rain here when I can't be in it. Tell Ginny I say hi next time!

  5. Oh my gosh, Linda... you are the only person I can actually imagine sitting on a long distance phone call to go through a magazine with someone! You crack me up! I wish my sister and I had a relationship like that. You are very blessed... but, she'd have to want to discuss art magazines since that's all I read! The rest get cut up or torn up the minute they arrive in my house! It's that collage thing you know!

  6. The rain was wonderful yesterday! And it's still cool and cloudy today...hoping for more rain. I wish it was the weekend so I could sit by the window and watch it. (my office doesn't have a window). The hot chocolate looks magazine worthy! Is the magazine new? I've never heard of it. I'd love to take a look at it. It looks pretty cool.

    Yeah, neither of my sisters are into decorating like I am and I don't think we've ever read a magazine together over the phone. I think that's really funny and fun for you to be able to do that!

  7. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Your rain photos look great.
    I love rain :-)

  8. passing threw,come on over for a visit

  9. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Thanks for telling about the magazine, I haven't seen that one yet! Oh I would give anything for 99 degrees :)


  10. Cool blog!

    The sewing machines article was very neat.

    Do yo take the photos yourself? They are really good, I wish I had your eye...

  11. I love that rain photo! I tried to take one when it was snowing last month and it didn't turn out.

    We had beautiful weather this week. So much I got motivated and cleaned out my back patio today.

    Been busy with work so just now checking your posts out :) And that hot choco looks delicious! :)

    Happy Weekend, Linda!

  12. That gives me a great idea for a photo shoot. I go to the local flea market to sell plants every weekend when I am not working. This week, I will bring my camera and take photo's of some of the interesting stuff/people.

  13. I have way too many magazines, but guess what? I'm now heading to the store to buy this one.

  14. There is NOTHING like rain in AZ. It's so far between each time that it's truly a treat! And how fun is that, to read through a magazine over the phone with your sis!
