Thursday, April 05, 2007

cause to think

I want to thank my dear blog friend Sandy for giving me the Thinking Blogger Award. Oh my gosh, I am so honored! This award is given to those that cause one to think and are inspirational to others. And can I just tell you, that Sandy is that to ME! I love her blog and it's always one of the first I check each morning because I know it will give me something to think about throughout the day. Here are some other blogs that do the same and are so worthy of this award. So please take the time to visit these blogs and maybe carve out some time to read their past posts, it will be sooo worth it... Sandy at Reluctant Entertainer... Jody at Nitty Gritty... Alicia at Posie Gets Cozy... and Beth Moore at Living Proof Ministries. They never fail to challenge and inspire me. The rules are that they are now to pass this award on to blogs that encourage and challenge them in their thinking.
Hey, who out there is inspiring you and causing you to think? Let us all know!


  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    My sister in NY has a blog of great thoughts called "What's on my Mind." Her address is Enjoy!

    Erin's mom.

  2. Thank you for the kind words, Linda. I think you were one of my first bloggy friends ever! Not even sure how we connected.
    I Love Beth Moore and I've never seen her blog, so thanks for tuning me into that!
    Happy Weekend.

  3. Hmmm thats a good question. I will have to think of someone. No one in particular pops out at the moment but I am inspired by some of the photo's that I see on here and they make me tnink about my future. Thanks for such a great blog,

