Thursday, April 19, 2007

She's coming!

Yes, she's on her way. And I am sooo excited!
She's been traveling all week, all the way from Hays, Kansas. And she's suppose to arrive tomorrow! I am praying she makes it here unscathed. She's rather up there in years and that concerns me a bit. But I did assure her that this would be her last trip... that she is now a part of OUR family. You guys, I am so nervous! I want her to like us. I want her to like her new home. I want her to fit right in.
We don't know all that much about her... in fact we have never actually met. I was assured that she adapts well... although the change in climate could pose a problem. It IS a dry heat though.
I have been working on her room all week. I think she'll like the color that I had Randy paint it. I hope so.
I was surprised that Randy even said she could come live with us. Not that I didn't have my moments... wondering what in the world I was doing! But then it all became crystal clear to me... when I saw her picture... that she was going to add so much to my life! It was just meant to be!
I have so many plans for her and I. She is going to keep me so busy. You see... well... we are actually going into business together! A sorta partnership, if you will. Oh no! I've done it again! I have said waay too much! I hate when I do that! Just forget I ever said it!
OK, OK... so some of you are thinking I haven't said enough. Well, trust me, you will be hearing a lot more about her in the days and weeks ahead. Stay with me now! Oh, I can hardly wait to introduce her to you!
Gosh, I hope she doesn't mind having her picture taken... cuz I will for sure be posting some pics as soon as she arrives... no matter how worn out and frazzled she may look from her long journey out West.

*** And YES, feel free to take a guess at what I am about to reveal to all you sweet inquisitive bloggers!

Oh and KERRI B. !!! (there was no email or blog for me to contact you) You asked what grocery store my kids did commercials for, back in the late 80's. It was Smitty's! Do you remember their slogan? "Smitty's, the store that cares for kids!" and the spokesperson was Jan D'Atri. Check out her awesome web site and all that she is doing now! Hello! QVC!! Love this gal to pieces!


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Linda, you're driving us all nuts!! Spill it!

    BTW, I keep (unsuccessfully) trying to leave my link. My email is skerribATyahooDOTcom and my bloggy blog is 360DOTyahooDOTcom/skerrib. Come on over sometime.

  2. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Me again--I figured it out. Yay me!

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Linda, you are so adorable. I love you so much, and I keep sending your blog site to all my friends...
    You have grabbed hold of your God given ability to love and nurture and share a story so beautifully. I am honored to be among your friends here in Phoenix.

  4. ummm...can we guess???

  5. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I'm going to it a sewing machine? You fixed up the spare room to start a business?

  6. Linda,
    I thought I was being so smart until I noticed Julie guessed the same thing. I was also thinking a sewing machine, or some other type of equipment, etc., that you will be using. How long you gonna leave us hanging?

  7. I think it's a sewing machine as well. Remember the post about the thread catchers???

  8. maybe... maybe not...
    Keep guessing!

  9. you are so funny mom... you make me laugh all the time

  10. Anonymous2:03 PM

    This is your hubby. First off, I haven't written anything up until now because I am biased and didn't want to sound like I was promoting my beautifual and talented wife in front of all of the people who read this blog. But, the truth is, I think you are really special and unique and talented and witty and clever. I think you have found a perfect outlet for your creativity in this blog. I think it is obvious based on the notes I read all the time. I love you.

  11. Linda- I was going to comment about your post::so fun and mysterious that it is:: then I started reading your comments and the tears started to roll down my cheeks at the love your family and friends wrote!!! Garsh what wonderful people you have in your life!!!(my am I sensitive today!!)

    Can't wait to meet what is coming to you!!

    Say can you loan Randy to me just to write nice things?

  12. Well, I am totally confused!!!

    I will have to go back and reread the post for clues.

    Well, I just couldn't resist reading the other comments...hmmm...sewing machine? I bet that's correct. You purchased it on Ebay and you are going to make those thread catchers to sell on the internet. ..?????

    What a wonderful comment from your dear husband!

  13. OK, I'm guessing she has to do with sewing... maybe a machine or a dress form?

  14. OK, Linda...spill the beans! you really know how to keep someone in suspense. I have No idea who "she" might be, but we'll all be checking back shortly.

    Awwww, & what a sweet hubby you have!

    Southern Hospitality

  15. awww what a cool hubby you have! Um hmm I guess that maybe you are going to be selling vintage items?

  16. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Yes, I'm thinking dress form! I remember a few posts back, you said you wanted one. I can't wait to see her.
    And you have a keeper of a hubby, I'd said #1 hubby, but mine holds that title :)

  17. At first I thought it was Grandma, then I thought it was a older dog, then I thought no, it might be a sewing do we go from Grandma to a sewing machine?? LOL. Cute post, you have me going!!


  18. ps...your hubby is a sweetie!! What wonderful (and true) things to say about you :)


  19. Its a huge old french armoire that will hold pretty things that you make to sell!

  20. Okay, you have me on pins and needles!

  21. A long lost sister!?!

    I still don't know why we have to paint her and why she is being shipped...
