Monday, April 16, 2007

so sad...

My heart goes out to the friends and families of those lives that were taken this morning at Virginia Tech.
I was aware this morning that it was 8 years ago this week that lives were lost in Columbine and 12 years ago this week that lives were lost in the Oklahoma City bombing and 14 years ago this week of the Branch Davidian tragedy. So when I heard of the VA Tech killings later on in the morning, I got such a sick feeling in my gut... such overwhelming grief and sadness...
This is when I cry out "Come Lord Jesus, come for your children!"
God help us! So very sad and disturbing.


  1. It is such a sick feeling, I agree! They are all in my prayers.

  2. so terribly sad. I have felt so sadened and yet when I saw the groups of people huddled together to pray I felt a bit of hope.

  3. Thanks for the heads up on the link. It's fixed now. Of course it was you!
