Monday, April 23, 2007

vintage hats

Woke up Saturday morning to rain! That's a big deal in my world. I love rain! So the only way to enjoy the cool weather was to get out there and do some, ummm, yard work? ummm, no... yard saling! The rain had stopped but it was overcast and down-right chilly... ok, for us desert dwellers. Randy is up north at a Men's Retreat this weekend and they actually got snow! He sleeps in the van when he goes to things like that or else he's up all night with the snoring. He must have been really chilly.

Anyway, here's my favorite find... a fancy vintage hat for Mrs. McGillicutty! (check out former post) Won't these aqua hats look lovely in her new room... that we're painting aqua... just like Alicia's room. The hat box and two hats for just a dollar! I know, I was shaking as I paid the gal!
AND it was a great day to start some of my painting projects. True confession... I have never painted a wall. You heard me right, I have never rolled paint on a wall. But I LOVE to paint furniture! I love the prep, the sanding, the priming, more sanding, the painting, more sanding and more painting. I really do love the whole process! The transformation from this ugly old, funky piece to whatever I want it to be is so gratifying! And I have my own little paint store, with all the "oops" cans that I have acquired over the years for a buck or two. You do know that Home Depot has a shelf full of paints that have been returned and for only a fraction of the cost! So I kinda determine the color by what I have on hand. I'm easy that way.

YA BABY! SUNS WIN!!! SUNS beat the Lakers to start off the playoffs! And I got my orange on!


  1. great hats, they will look good in your room. cant wait to see the finished room.

  2. How will you put on the hat? Believe this or not...I just got my own dress form as well! She went through several outfits and had her own photo shoot. I was going to post the pics and then saw your post. I didn't want to feel like I was just copying you! She'll be up soon.

  3. Hey Linda, I have some vintage hats and handkerchiefs from a friend of mine in CA. They belonged to her mother who was in her 90's when she passed away and my friend didn't really want to keep them, but didn't know what to do with them. I told her I would love to have them! They have the little net veils and everything. They're very cool! I'll have to take pics some time.

  4. I went yardsaling too! Great hats for your new girl...too cute!

    SOuthern Hospitality

  5. Now all you need are some of those antique glass heads to display your hats on! Fun pictures!

  6. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I found your blog not too long ago and I am having so much fun reading it. I would love to have my very own Mrs. Migillicutty...did I spell that right? I'll be back to visit again. I have to see how you put on her hat!

  7. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Mrs Gillicutty will look great in her new hat.

  8. A great bargain on the beautiful hats.
    Have fun painting.

  9. I love it... maybe Mrs. Migillicuty could help you paint. I agree with your line of thinking on which paint to pick. Great attitude... and that is a blessing indeed!

  10. Now now you don't know what cold is! I arrived Sat. there was rain but since the weather has been perfect! I know we visitors look a bit silly sitting by poolside already!
    I am loving the Spring color in the desert! All the cacti are blooming!! I am in my glory! Hello Tempe from Scottsdale..hugs NG

  11. Linda your Miss Migillicuty post is too funny. I can hear the excitement as you are about to embark on this new phase in your life!! I can't wait to see all the wonderful things you will do.

    Pretty hats....glad I'm not the only one who gets shaky when I get a true bargain!!

    Oh yes...and your dish rag story today on my comments was too funny!! I can't believe someone did that while you were sleeping, not to mention the fact you even knew a dish rag was missing!! LOL I'm glad no one was hurt and your retrieved your rag!

