Wednesday, June 20, 2007

my vintage aqua phone

 That AQUA phone right up there is mine! And I still can't believe it! 
OK, just calm down and tell the story...

Well, one of my favorite people in all the world... who happens to be my husband's best friend... and happens to be the teaching Pastor at our church (what a gifted communicator of Truth)... and happens to be an author (check this book out)... and happens to be responsible for getting me started in acting (yes, he's an actor too)... and happens to be married to my dear friend Stacey... and well, he just so happens to have the coolest phone ever... that happens to be AQUA... that I happened to mention that I LOVED... and then guess what happened? 


John called me into his office as I was getting ready to leave work today 
and just gave it to me! Just like that.

Isn't she a beauty and she works perfectly and has the sweetest, vintage ring and makes me smile every time I walk into my sewing room. 
And yes, she's a 'she'. Don't know why, but she is.

John, thank you! THANK YOU! 

I am forever grateful!

Randy & I sure love doing life with you and Stacey!


Anonymous said...

Linda-I am so proud to see my old phone in your "aqua room"! I feel like I just donated something to the Getty museum. I can't believe you plugged it in! I'd love to hear its ring. I wonder if you can only speak to people from the 60s when you use it...I'd love to talk to my 5th grade teacher Mrs. Johnson...If you make contact with her, tell her I am doing well and enjoyed listening to her read "The Island of the Blue Dolphins" in class. Anyway, the phone just sat in my office as an eccentric piece of randomness. Here, in your room, it is amongst friends, a celebrity in the world of aqua, no longer alone in the universe. I am so proud to have contributed an item to your room! Its like having something that you once owned on display at Graceland. If any of you readers don't know Linda well, you must know that I have never known anyone who gets more truly delighted and excited about life and the surprise gifts God brings. If she had the phone and I had the aqua room, she would have given it to me with the very same delight that she received it. The Lynch family sure does love your family. John Lynch

Unknown said...

What a sweet gift from a wonderful person! It's a beauty, all right! :) The story behind it makes it even prettier. It looks fab in your room, Linda! Like it was meant to be there. :)

Nonie said...

It looks so good in there. Have fun with it. What a nice friend you have.

Lizzie said...

What a fun new treasure, and how special that its a gift from dear friends. :-)

NanAZ said...

Cool phone!

Hey Linda, It would be awesome if you could link to the LCI site for the TrueFaced book, so more of the profits go to LCI and not Amazon.


Aimz said...

I love it! wonder if he's got anymore :-)

Anonymous said...

OH! That phone ROCKS. That John-guy is pretty cool...

NanAZ said...

You know I was just wondering if any of the youngsters have ever used a dial phone before. That's priceless!

Diana LaMarre said...

What a treasue, Linda. It's perfect for that room!

What a true friend John is.

Becca said...

It was so nice reading that tribute from your friend. I feel special being on your blog...

Michelle Legler said...

Love the aqua phone!
One day when my youngest daughter and I were at a flea market, she noticed a dial phone and said "so mom, how in the heck did you guys use these phones??" I was demonstrating and she looked at me like I was from another planet.

Kim -today's creative blog said...

Linda, thanks for reading my whole blog. I hope you didn't fall asleep. :)
As far as the free photos, let me look into it. I'm sure they do. I just haven't used them for awhile. Snapfish seems easier for some reason.

Sandy said...

Fun, Fun, Linda!
I love it! That would match my bedroom :)
Paul and I are in Little Rock and we did a 3 part radio interview with Family Life Radio today.
Great hospitality here!
Hope your job is going well.
For Reluctant Entertainers
PS Can I come visit you? I want to walk thru your house and see all of your cool stuff :) said...

I don't know if i could go back to no caller ID, but for a phone like that it would be worth it!!

Jodi Ohl said...

Wow-what a wonderful phone! It's truly a gift from one giving person to another. Enjoy it!