Monday, June 25, 2007

vintage scale & apron

Randy and I were teaching at a Marriage Retreat over the weekend. So nice to get out of town and out of the heat! These retreats are always such a blessing... when we set aside the time to concentrate on our marriage. And speaking of marriage, our son Shawn and his wife Nicole are celebrating 3 years of marriage today! What a darling couple they are!

Yes, another apron with XL ric rac from my little vintage thrift store. Over the years I have filled my vintage scale ($25.00 at a yard sale) with my various collections. When my sister was here we emptied it with plans to refill it... but for now, this apron will do.


  1. Darling couple AND adorable apron!

    Hope you are getting rested up. Paul and I were in Little Rock at Family Life Radio! Cool experience.

    For Reluctant Entertainers

  2. I thought the couple were models until I read your post!

    Love the apron like that. Maybe you could have the apron in the scale with a couple vintage cookbooks? Its such a bright cheery little thing. Nice to display.

  3. Cute apron, cute scale, cute couple.

    I guess I have my priorities straight ;)

  4. Hi, Linda, I just had to say what an awesome aqua phone you found for your office space. That's so cool!

    I like your vintage scale too!


  5. John talked about your blog at church on Sunday, so I've been busily reading all the messages and getting caught up. I especially liked the one about your new aqua phone.

    You've actually inspired me to create my own. So thanks Linda.

  6. Congratulations on your son's anniversary. A handsome couple to be sure. My parents are celebrating theirs today: 42 years. you can check them out on our family blog:

    The hair is classic.

    Did you get your little Airstream yet? I want one I can park in the driveway and use as my studio.

  7. Linda,

    What a lovely couple. I hope they had a wonderful anniversary.

    While reading this post, I thought that pic of the scale with the apron would make a great graphic for your header! I might put the aqua phone in the scale, too.
