Saturday, July 21, 2007

harry potter has arrived

and the marathon begins. Randy and Miranda started reading fifteen minutes ago and they will continue to read to each other until they are too tired to go on... they'll sleep a little... then read till they finish the book. This is a big deal... a tradition they have done with each of the books. In fact, such a big deal that Randy even got someone else to lead worship tomorrow morning so as to keep the tradition going. (Oooh, I can hear Miranda doing all the accents from each of the characters! Man, I love that girl!)


  1. And I see that Randy's ready with his ginormous soda! What a fun tradition. Did you see that Kevin's didn't come in the mail today? So sad...

  2. Sounds like a good tradition!

  3. Sam and I have just started reading chapter books out loud. I'm wondering if the Harry Potter books would be appropriate for an almost 8 year old? Or are they too scary? Right now, we are in the beginning of Beast Quest and Goosebumps series. Lucky for this kid I actually like kid books! Even as an adult, I have checked them out of the library more than once. "The Redwall" series by Brian Jacques has to be one of my favorite kid series. I couldn't put them down!

  4. It looks like Sirious dropped in to listen too. Hahahaha!

    ...they should get the reference.

  5. My son is reading away, too!
    Love your craft idea you left me me and my girls :)
    4 Reluctant Entertainers
