Friday, July 27, 2007

sugar cubes

How cute is this Hallmark greeting card! Found this packaged card at my little thrift store for 50 cents. (the card retailed for $6.99) Hey, you do know it's not really "my" thrift store. It just seems that way. Anyway, do you see the aqua sugar bowl with three sugar cubes? Whatever happened to sugar cubes? They sure bring back memories... I remember seeing them at all our little Luthuran Church events... Ladies Aide, dinners, funerals, weddings, church bazaars. Norwegians drink their coffee black but those few that used sugar, well, I suppose sugar cubes were easier to store. Who knows. But I saw sugar cubes as being very fancy-schmancy and I couldn't wait to grow up and drop one of these in my cup of coffee. So, I'm off to find me some cubes... oooh, do you suppose they make Splenda cubes?

I will leave you for the weekend with a few garden pics. We sorta let our lantana take over, knowing we have no plans to sit out on our garden bench anyway. Too hot, too humid... oh but we are loving the monsoon thunderstorms that seem to build daily.


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Too cute, that card!

    Sugar cubes remind me of a candy house my daughters and I made once years ago. All out of sugar cubes. So fun so fun!

    I love your garden bench area....

  2. Hi, Linda, I love your lantana. I just planted some this year & hope it takes off like that too.

    Sugar cubes...yes, I remember those well.


  3. Wow, I never knew lantana grew like that. It's quite lovely.

  4. Hey girl! I seem to remember seeing sugar cubes somewhere recently. Maybe they were at Smart-n-Final...they're still around for sure.

    I love the dress. You should wear it!
