Friday, August 24, 2007

28 years ago today

Randy & I were married.
And I love and adore this man now more than I ever thought possible! Our love just continues to grow deeper and stronger and sweeter and richer every single day. I know, I am so blessed!
And you know what else? I still LOVE my wedding gown! Don't you just love it too! So today I will try it on and remember that day when my Dad walked me down the aisle while Randy was singing to me... a song he wrote just for our wedding. He knew I would be a mess and cry through the whole song. Well, wrong! HE cried while I stood there beaming with love and pride for my soon-to-be husband.

I find that the longer we are married I am more drawn to those candid pics that capture a sweet moment. This one of Randy and I singing at the reception captures such a moment.
We're heading for the mountains in a few hours and camping in our van tonight and it's suppose to rain and that makes me sooo happy! Check back for some fun pics!

*** Oooh, I just had to add the lyrics to a Carpenters song that was popular back when we married in 1979. Made me smile because we did that... and 28 years later, we still feel the same.
And when the evening comes we smile,
So much of life ahead
We'll find a place where there's room to grow,
And yes, we've just begun.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is way cool, we are kicking at your heals, this past April we celebrated our 25th, so as the years roll on we too find we are still madly in love with each other as you! God bless (as He always does), and may our kids see the wonders of His love thru us!

    Capt. Boxer Shorts

  2. Congratulations!! Great photos! What a lovely couple you are.
    Your dress IS pretty! I still love my wedding dress too (but it's only been nine years :)
    Happy Anniversary to you both!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Let me try this again.. Happy Anniversary! What a great couple you are..Yes I do love your dress. beautiful!

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    OH! I love candid pics the best too. LOVE that white tux, the dress, the Carpenters, everything...congratulations you guys.

  6. Anonymous5:46 PM

    ...and how much does Tyler now look like Randy then--amazing!

  7. What sweet pictures. You 2 are quite an inspiration.
    I just tried on my wedding dress the other day as well. Here are the pictures

  8. Congratulations you two! LOVE the dress and the white tux. I haven't tried my dress on in years...doubt it would fit, but I love it anyway. Maybe I'll take it out on our 30th in December. We still have Terry's suit from the wedding too, since we bought it. (it wasn't a tux) It was the 70's after all.

    Hope you have a grand time on your "camping" trip. Can't wait to see the pics. Love you guys!

  9. 29th is next month. AND I will have to check the hobby lobby out I am in Tempe by the way. Thanks

  10. Haw sweet! Happy anniverary. Love the pictures.

  11. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Really cool. I think my hubby of 26 years and I should take the mini van up north in Michigan and camp out. I'd love the quiet! Congratulations on your anniversary!

  12. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Congratulations on your anniversary. That looks way cool. Maybe my hubby and I should take the ole mini van up north here in Michigan and camp out alone. I could dig the quiet!!
