Monday, August 06, 2007

Horn Creek Family Camp

Horn Creek Family Camp is located at the base of Horn Peak near Westcliffe, CO, nestled in the Sangre De Christo (blood of Christ) mountain range, which is one of the longest mountain ranges on earth. Check here if you'd like to know more about the camp.
We have settled into this lodge at Horn Creek along with our dear friends the Lynch's and the Case's. We are loving the cool mountain weather. We have had storms every day since we arrived on Sat., making me sooo happy!
Every night Randy & I lead worship at the family camp before John does a powerful message. What a wonderful, safe environment for families to hear truth and laugh and cry and share together. I can't believe we are blessed to be a part of the things that God is doing at this camp. And the week has only begun!

Each day Randy and I go in to town to this cute, little coffee shop so we can check our emails, post on my blog and hang with the local town folks. Love the atmosphere.
Hey, we went hiking along the Rainbow Trail today. Check back later for a post with pics!


  1. Reading your post filled me a bit with the feelings I used to get at camp as a teen during the prayer services! How exciting-I was just saying at class the other night that my closest experiences with God are in nature. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time!!

  2. I so glad you are having a great time... I wish I could be there too!! Got pictures of Eli... such a cutie!!

  3. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Oh what a wonderful place this must be! Have a wonderful time!

  4. I love this! I love you checking your email and maybe reading my "Howard" story? FUN, LInda! :)

  5. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Hooray! Hi to all--have a blast!!

  6. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Awesome pics! Im glad you guys are having such a great time.

  7. Sounds like a great place and the photo shows the beauty of the area. I hope you soak in everything and enjoy each moment that God has blessed you with.
