Monday, August 20, 2007

sewing needle packet

OK, so my daughter Miranda and I were heading to her car after the 8 o'clock service yesterday (remember, it's scrapping day) and my friend Beth had just pulled into the parking lot for the next service and she says she has something for me and she takes this out of her purse! YES, this beautiful vintage packet of sewing needles in mint condition! Oh my gosh, I was stunned! Look at the sweet art work! I can't believe she thought of me when she found this amongst her Mom's sewing supplies. I was deeply touched and thrilled all at the same time! Thank you so much Beth!! I was smiling all the way home!

Notice that I pin my vintage aprons to the back of my sewing/desk chair. I like the way it gives the boring black backing of my chair some color, style and whimsy. And I can rotate my vintage apron collection, allowing me to enjoy them all the more.


  1. I seen a package of vintage needles yesterday with cute graphics for one dollar and passed them up! What was I thinking! You aare a doll to think up the chair and apron together! Anymore iddeas I'd love to hear! Keep createing! Lori

  2. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Hey, cute idea with the apron on the chair! I have one of those boring black chairs that I could do that with! Great idea!

  3. What a thoughtful sweet gift. It's so nice to have friends who think so kindly of you.

  4. Anonymous10:26 AM

    What beautiful treasures.

  5. Wonderful graphics on the needle case. A great way to enjoy your aprons too.

    I added a note on a previous post about that bag that looked like, but not quite, a clothespin bag.
    Let me know what you think.


  6. The artwork on those old sewing supplies was just the best, wasn't it?

  7. Your blog is always a joy to read!!!
