Wednesday, August 29, 2007

sweet potato chips

Oh my gosh! Check this out! Sweet potato chips! SOOO DELICIOUS! And oh so very good for you too.

Here they are prepared with white potatoes too. Love the two together.
Just slice thin, deep fry, season to taste and enjoy! YUMMO!


  1. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Linda, is there any special oil you use to fry your potatoes in? Vegetable, Canola?

  2. Oh, those look so yummy! Thanks for posting the recipe. I have GOT to try that!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. They look delicious! Yeah, I'm liking sweet potatoes more and more. When I was a kid, the only kind we had were the canned ones with Karo syrup and marshmallows at Thanksgiving. Way too sweet for me! Lately I've had them baked and grilled and deep fried (chips - like yours). They are MUCH better without all the extra sugar, and I hear they're much better for you than white potatoes.

  4. wait did you make those?? WOW... awesome!! Way to go mom, those look delicious!

  5. Oh, YUM! We ate at a restaurant this weekend that served sweet potato french fries and they were to die for! I love regular fries but I think these were even better!

  6. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Oh my gawsh. Sweet potatoes are my weakness. Now how come I've never thought of this!!! And I've been whining about one of my favorite restaurants in Florida that served sweet 'tater fries and how much I missed them.
    *running off to stick sweet potatoes on the grocery list!*
