Wednesday, September 05, 2007

the NordicTrack

No, that's not me. But that is what you are suppose to do with a NordicTrack. And we were well aware of that when we bought it in the mid 90's and had every intention of actually using it for that very purpose. And we did... for a time... a very short time. And then something happened. We folded it up and leaned it against the wall in our bedroom and... well, it sorta became a very expensive piece of equipment in which to hang stuff... you know, purses, tote bags, backpacks, jackets, belts. And then before we knew it- outa sight, outa mind. Ok, so occasionally I would be overcome with guilt, and vow to use it again. And I did a couple years ago, while training for our hike down the Grand Canyon. And I knew it would come through for me. I'm stubborn like that. No way was I going to admit that we had made a dumb purchase and sell it at our next yard sale. No way. Not me. Cuz I knew that one day I would get that urge and it would be there for me, buried under all that stuff, waiting for me, proving to me that it still had what I needed. Well, to make a long story even longer. I got the urge, got it out, got started and... let's just say... I'm liking it. Not loving it. But I know it's what I need to be doing to feel better. It's time I get serious and get moving. So, me and my 'vintage' Nordic are slowly getting reacquainted. I don't want to get too attached and all. I mean, the urge could leave at any time. And let's face it, we're both getting on in years. So for now I have been burning 200 calories by walking 2 miles in 22 minutes while watching TV, every day, since Saturday. And yes, it came with one of those computers that tells you things like that. That helps.
So there you have it... my NordicTrack, drinking lots of water, no food after 7 PM and healthy eating. I don't want it to be any more complicated than that. Cuz the older I get, I'm all about keeping things simple. Not that it won't be hard... cuz it is. But I'm in for the long haul. Well, actually a month to be exact, when we leave for our two week trip to Wisconsin. And then hopefully by then, it will have become a lifestyle, a habit, something I dare say, I will come to love and enjoy? Oh, I can only hope.


  1. Good luck. I keep taking off and putting back on the same 20 lbs. LOL Seems like I'm always injuring myself and then can't continue to exercise. I don't remember having to "exercise" as a kid, or my mother, or grandmother for that matter. I think the lifestyles were just so much more active. Another nice way to exercise is with DVD's or Videos. Walk-A-way the Pounds is a good one. Blessings!

  2. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Good job Linda! I go in phases where working out alternates between an enjoyable break from life, or one more task to get done before I can go to sleep...but I can honestly say I've never had a workout I regretted. Those endorphins are good stuff.

  3. Oh I can really identify. We bought our treadmill after we moved here because I wanted to get some exercise and when I thought of walking outside it was just too hot, or too dark, or too cold or too late or...something and I thought it would help to have the option right there in the house. I think I've been on it 2 or 3 times in a year. I just haven't figured out a time that works well into my schedule. I really WANT to exercise and I know I NEED to exercise, and I even THINK about doing it once in a while, but I just never quite take that step (literally). I wish we lived closer to each other, then we could walk outside when it starts to cool down. You can pray for motivation for me. Someday, I really want to do this.

  4. Anonymous7:23 PM

    That is what I say keep it simple and I tell my self it is so good for my health to work out that way I don't get discouraged if I don't lose weight! Oh and I wish I was going to wisconsin...we are hoping to next year some time! love ya miss ya kristen
