Monday, September 10, 2007

still life

Randy is convinced that my new craft room has one purpose and that is for me to decorate by displaying my collections so I can spend hours dabbling in still life photography. And he's sorta right. It's like the ultimate room for me to play around with my various collections and set up photo shoots. I am continually putting together vignettes, mixing colors and textures and themes till I like what I see. Unfortunately the natural light in my room is rather poor, so I can only shoot in the mornings. But it is so gratifying when I finally get a decent shot... more like a miracle because I am a complete novice.
So yesterday before I left for church, my camera & tripod (they are inseparable) and I stood at the window of my craft room taking several pictures of this hummingbird that kept coming back to my feeder. I never did get what I wanted, but instead got some shots of my window sill.

Maybe it's just me, but I love pictures of buttons. So I noticed that I had this aqua bowl of strung buttons along with a container of button sewing pins and I had to take a quick pic. Come on, who wouldn't want these pastel button pins to adorn your favorite pin cushion? Clic the pic and see the creamy colors.


  1. They are beautiful! I love using buttons on handmade cards. Very sweet indeed!

  2. Even if he's right, we all benifit from your beautiful pictures.

  3. You have a natural talent and I am delighted that you showcase it for us. I love buttons too and I have a large collection. I have no idea what I will do with them. I just like to sort them, feel there texture, and let the kiddies play with them when they visit.

  4. hi, Linda, thanks for stopping by. I'm so behind on visiting all you wonderful girls out there. I do read Beth's blog! Not all the time, but I love stopping by there. You would have loved this conference, it truly was heavenly. I'll be back when I can spend more time.


  5. I think Randy's on to something there! ha!
    Love the photos and stuff that you have. Always fun to take a peak into that craft room!

  6. Anonymous11:51 AM

    How wonderful your room is and how much fun it looks like you're having.

  7. I love your photos. The are simply beautiful.
