Tuesday, November 13, 2007

aqua images in CA

How does that happen? Well, because I love aqua blue. And come on, this is Southern California. It's everywhere!
We had to go pick out several surf boards to use as props for the Marriage Getaway at Bo's Cafe and I went a little crazy snapping pics. Is it just me or does this picture remind you of a collection of colorful Fiestaware dinner plates. Anyway, Randy and I were surprised to find out that just one of these surfboards cost waaay more than both our first cars!

For all you fabric lovers, yes, that is a piece of Amy Butler fabric that Nancy draped over the podium. Don't you just love how it coordinates with the colors in the skimmer board!
And speaking of my dear friend Nancy... she coordinated all the details that went into making this Getaway such a huge success... I mean everything, the lovely gift bags, picking out the menus, transforming the ballroom into Bo's Cafe and tons more. She is one talented gal! Check out her amazing images from the Getaway on her blog here.

We loved working along side these dear friends that we have known for 30 years! And what better way to fellowship than over a meal at the beach house... homemade soups and stew and crusty breads... and check out the dessert on Nancy's blog!


  1. I love that sun. Looks like he's blowing a kiss to the garden.

  2. Great pics Linda! I love the surf boards at the store. Yes they look like dishes or something. LOVE the colors! Thanks for taking these. They're wonderful!

  3. Wow, great pics. Seeing them makes me think. . . "Gee, hubs and I need a little get away together SOON, VERY SOON."



  4. I love the beach... born and raised close to the sea; I really miss it now that I live so far away form it.


  5. I was trying to figure out what that top photo was, never got it until I read your post. It's an interesting and colorful image. You looks so beautiful too.
