Friday, November 23, 2007

Miranda's 23 on the 23rd!

Happy Birthday Miranda! My baby girl is 23 years old! Her "golden birthday"! I have all her birthday gifts ready and waiting. And tonight the family gathers again, this time for her favorite, SUSHI!

The birthday girl on Thanksgiving Day with her brother Tyler. We had such a fun day! We recorded Randy's parents sharing how they met and then married 65 years ago this month. What a blessing to hear how the Lord provided for them over the years.

The whole gang! From left to right, Shawn & Nicole, Tyler, Carol & Don, Randy, Dad Thompson, Mom Thompson, me and Miranda.
Ok, so I did it again. As the meal was winding down, wouldn't you know... I had forgotten to set out the cranberry sauce. And do you know why I forgot the cranberry sauce? Because I forgot to write it down on the menu that I write out every year so I DON'T forget anything!
So I have a question for all you bloggers out there. (all 7 of you that read my blog!) Has that ever happened to you? What have YOU forgotten to serve your guests?


  1. This year I was going to make green beans, since we're trying to watch carbs and our nephew's fiance is a vegetarian and I totally forgot until after dinner. Oh well, I think we had PLENTY of other food, so it was fine.

    It wasn't on my list either.

  2. Hi Linda'
    Wishing your daughter a very Happy 23rd Birthday (my daughter Kate will turn 23 in Jan) :-}
    Your Thanksgiving photos are wonderful ~

  3. Linda, How sweet and a beauty of a daughter! Ah, How that pic reminded me of my trip out West! Yep hope my son makes it home dor Christmas! We had snow!!! yep I know you've still great weather, but love my mid-west snowstorms!!! Lori

  4. In our family, we have what we call a "bread course." My mother always jumps up three-quarters of the way through the meal saying, "Oh no! I forgot the bread!"

    Now we just assume that bread comes at the end of a meal...


    P.S. Just showed Toben your blog header...vintage buttons, rick rack, an old colander full of spools of thread. He're my kind of girl!

  5. Don't feel bad--I've forgotten the cranberry sauce many times--I'm about the only one that likes it so why I make it home made is beyond me...LOL...but this year I did manage to remember it (somehow) and little man actually has taken a liking to it.

    Looks like you Thanksgiving was great and so was DD's Birthday. I like how you celebrated with her favorite dinner. I'm sure it made her feel as special as can be!


  6. Just last month I had dinner guests and I forgot to serve something. I remember clearly that I forgot to serve something.......trouble is I can't remember what I forgot to serve!!
