Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Randy's Christmas concert

Hey everyone in the greater Phoenix area! Randy's Annual Christmas Concert is this Saturday night at Open Door Fellowship on 19th Avenue/ between Northern and Dunlap. Click here for more info. And come early because of limited seating.
This concert has sorta evolved over the years and become quite the family affair, with Shawn on lead guitar and Miranda and Tyler doing background vocals. I tease the kids, referring to us often as "The VanThompson Family"! But seriously, can you imagine what it's like for Randy & I to be on stage with our kids, to share in this tradition over the years! It's beyond words!
But whether you can come or not, please pray for us that night. This time of year can be so difficult for many that have lost loved ones, that are alone, that are hurting, and they come seeking some comfort and hope and truth. And of course we pray they will find peace in the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks for partnering with us in this way... really means alot.


  1. OH, I wish I could be there! I hope it is a fantastic night.

  2. If we were still visiting your area, we'd be there. How special to have your kids involved in your ministry. Have a great evening!

    I checked out the web page & was hoping I could listen to some 'Randy Thompson' music, but I don't think so.

  3. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I am so glad you made a comment on my blog because I was having a hard time trying to find you.
    I visited your blog the other day and saw the pretty cake plate your daughter got for her birthday and yesterday I went to Target' and bought me one and it was the last one they had too.
    Thanks for telling all your blog friends about it.
    Yes, I know they are reproducing the Texasware bowls but the ones I have seen so far aren't as colorful but I bought my daughter a whole set and they were only $19.99 for 4 big bowls.
    She really likes them.
    Take care, :) Bren

  4. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I forgot to say that if I was within a 100 miles of your concert I would attend, I think it's wonderful that you and your family get to worship and praise God in such a special way. :) Bren

  5. I love that, the "VanThompson Family" LOL! Wish we could come!
    Love your new banner photo, too.

  6. Thanks for the tip, Linda. I came back and listened to Randy's music. Great! I'd love to take in his concert.
