Thursday, November 01, 2007

thankful in November

I can't believe it's November already!

But there's lots to look forward to... the SUNS start their 40th season tonight! GO SUNS!

My beloved GREEN BAY PACKERS are 6-1. Which excites me to no end because Phoenix is hosting the Super Bowl this year and I would love to see my PACKERS there!

What else... oh ya, 32 shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yeah! Now that I'm a working girl, I will need all the days I can get! I do love shopping. But I'm not a Mall shopper. But then again I do love all the hustle & bustle that comes with the Holiday season in the Malls.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. First and foremost, I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving. I am going out on a limb here but well, I have plans to post most every day till Thanksgiving... an exercise in becoming aware of all that I am thankful for.
I don't know about you but I am feeling rather negative lately and I don't like it one bit. I am well aware that I usually suffer post-vacation blues, especially after the trip we had. It was so wonderful, so perfect. And then reality sets in. Our older van breaks down. While Randy is fixing it, he notices that our desert front yard rocks are floating in water... the main water line had busted. Not good. All in the first day that we are home. And it has gone downhill from there. We have basically had our older van towed three times in the past week. Not good. But it's fixed and running like a champ again, thanks to Randy.
So how do I remedy this attitude of doom and gloom? By choosing to believe that I am so blessed... that I have all that I could ever want or need... that HE is enough, all that I need... and that I am enough, just as I am. My prayer is to go into the Holiday season with peace, joy and contentment.
So today, this first day of November, I am thankful for my health... the health of my family... the health of my little grandbaby yet to be born... the health of my parents. Let's choose to take better care of ourselves. Let's have a really great day.


  1. Hey, it must be going around...I just had a bit of an e-heart-to-heart with the hubs. Thankfully before I melted down entirely. That's all to say I'm grateful with you!

  2. OH, and I could totally go for Pats vs Packers in Phx. Assuming that could happen...I don't know much about the NFL.

  3. And great bloggy-friends! :)

    I hope you print out your blog and give to your kids some day!?!

    Happy Weekend!

  4. Linda, Hum... Packers versus the Colts??? And here I am in the middle of Indianapolis and Wisconsin!!! Plus Mikie is still iving in Surprise AZ, interesting huh??? Your WI trip seemed so pleasent, but I know how when you return you get those post-vacation blues!!! Hits me everytime! Lori

  5. Yes, we are a blessed people aren't we? (And I am thankful for my blogging friends and your blog!)


