Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas!

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!" How many times have I heard Andy Williams sing that song this month! But it really is a wonderful time to reflect on the birth of Christ, when God became a man, to be the Savior of all the world.
Thank you Jesus for loving us that much!

Yesterday was full of the sweetest blessings. As Christmas music played in the background I wrapped gifts, sewed a stocking night cap for a costume that my oldest son needed for a party, then took it to him at the Apple store to make sure it fit, I baked, I cooked, I ate, I poured over Christmas letters from loved ones, did a load of laundry (then my machine died... sure hope Santa shops at Sears), watched "Polar Express" for the first time with my darling husband and adorable son, who both have bad colds (ok, so Tyler & I did fall alsleep on the pull-out couch along with Wiley & Koda and missed some parts, but loved the movie!) and talked on the phone with my precious daughter as she went about her day. What more could a Mother want! I love my life!
Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas too you all! I am so far behind on my blog reading and posting. I have weeks of news to post and a some pics of our Christmas decorating. Weekends have been crazy busy, not sure why, and I'm just too tired on work nights to get on the computer after being on for 10 hours.

    Kevin is here and I have this week off! Double Yay! We want to spend as much time as possible with him and we're busy with family thru Christmas day, but good news is that he sleeps in, so maybe I'll have a chance to post in the mornings later in the week.

    Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday, if not before.

    Love ya,

  2. I love it that you guys do serious pictures and funny pictures. The funny ones are always my favorites!

  3. Oh, what a beautiful family! Many blessings to you and yours on the approaching New Year... Hope you and yours had a marvelous Christmas!


  4. Linda:

    You are ALWAYS smiling in all of your posts. I just love visiting your site. You are such an inspiration.

    Love to you,

    Debbie Kennedy

  5. Hi Linda,
    I am so glad you had a great Christmas with your family.

    May you have a new year that is just as wonderful.
