Thursday, December 06, 2007

repurposing ornaments

I LOVE decorating for Christmas! I love to pull out all our treasured ornaments each year and recall the stories associated with each of them. These 'space-age' looking ornaments were given to us several years ago from my Aunt Evelyn's estate. I was so dissappointed the other day when I discovered one of the glass balls had broken.
Now you need to know I pride myself in repurposing and recycling everything. So I examined it closely to see what it could become, saw nothing and threw it in the trash.
WELL, an hour later I came upon one of my very favorite blogs and took a double take... do you see what is around that bird statue below? The remains of my ornament that I had just thrown away! What was I thinking?! Well, I quickly dug it out of the trash with plans to repurpose in a similar fashion.
Thanks Heather for the inspiration! Now go check out her blog here!


  1. You are just too clever...I love to make the most out of something "old and worn" too. Thanks for sharing little snippets of your life inspire me.

    Debbie Kay

  2. So, do we get to see your creation? Later today, I'm going to post something exciting that I made. I can't wait for everyone to see it!

  3. Oh, those are nice old ornaments too. Pity about one breaking.

  4. sorry your ornament broke!! They are so pretty! I am sure it will look great however you decide to use the broken part :-)

  5. Never throw anything away :) You never know when or where inspiration will hit ya! (said by one who has a growing stock pile that really needs to be tackled and repurposed)! I just made a wreath full of my ornaments collected this year and it turned out pretty funky, so ya just never know!

  6. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Thanks so much for letting me know what the wire star was. I found it in a box of goodies I purchased at the flea market and loved the delicate wire. I may keep it out year round! So glad I inspired you to "dig in your trash"! Lol. Too funny! Smiles, Heather
