Monday, January 28, 2008

my red shoes

I have been wanting a pair of red shoes for quite some time now. I know, a post on red shoes? Linda, come on! Well, it's my blog and I will post whatever I want! So, I'm liking that jeans and red shoes look. Does anyone out there share my fancy... or is it just me? But now that I think of it, my red shoe obsession actually started from this photo shoot of my kids taken by Amy (her new web site is up and running here!) as a surprise Christmas gift to me in 2006. I love this photo... but I couldn't help but notice Nicole's red shoes and Miranda's pearl necklace! They add such pop and whimsy to an already fun, playful image.

So the other day I set out to find a pair of red shoes to wear with jeans. My first stop... Goodwill. And low and behold, there they were! Not only were they the perfect style, but they fit me perfect AND they were sooo comfortable AND a quality shoe to boot! Don't you just hate me!

Anyway, they are a Duck Head brand shoe. So I google and find out this type of Duck Head shoe sells for over $50.00 and I paid a mere $5.00! Sure makes a girl happy I tell ya! And I'm not even a shoe girl. I'm more of a 'shoes for a smokin deal' shoe girl. Ya, that's me... all about the thrill of the hunt... but in this case, not much of a hunt... but oh what a thrill!
Umm, what's up with 4 posts in 4 days!


  1. WAY cute red shoes Linda!
    I love pampered chef. So fun to see her hosting a party.
    Your scrapbook retreat in flagstaff looks like a blast. It's beautiful....and cold up there. I use to go to a 3 day retreat in tucson. I loved it. So sad they dont do them anymore. I've thought about organizing my own retreat. :o)
    I love the picture of you with your packers shirt...cute!

  2. Oh Linda, you read my mind!!! I have always wanted red shoes and a red raincoat!! Or leather! Never had either but did have a cute fall red jacket I literally wore out!! The shoes yu bought are so perfect!!!!! Enjoy! Love, Lori

  3. Goodwill is wonderful for shoes- they are already broken in!

    I've never really thought about red shoes and jeans before, but now love the look, how cute the kids are together in the photo. Now you need to pose for one with them!

  4. Great photo of your kids! Cute red shoes...and a bargain to boot! Enjoy them.

  5. I love, love, love red shoes! I used to have the greatest outfit (early 90's) that included a denim skirt, a great top and the best red shoes ever! Oh how I miss that outfit. Of course, now my left thigh wouldn't fit in that skirt! *lol* I just love the shoes you found...and at such a great price! Way to go!!


  6. Great find! I love red shoes, esp. with jeans.

  7. I'm a red shoe girl. When I graduated college, I wore red patent leather maryjane boots (that's the best way I can describe them--kind of the old-fashioned boots with tons of buckles). Yours look very comfy...

  8. I ADORE red shoes.....especially with blue jeans! You did good! They look Fabulous darling!! :-)Now, regarding your previous post, I didn't know there was a Hobby Lobby here. So, now I must head to Google to find out where.
    Hugs to you!!

  9. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Red shoe fanatic here! Just found my way here and noticed the red shoe post immediately!

    Nice to meet you and your shoes!


  10. Cute shoes! Nothing like finding a good deal on them too. I am being to like red myself, not just in shoes but in everything..hehe

  11. I have FOUR pairs of red shoes (if you count one red gingham pair of heels with cherries embroidered on them!)--three pairs of plain red: one patent leather flats, one red heeled mules, and one practical pair.

    So YES! I get the red shoes!

    Oh, and I have red flip flops too...

