Tuesday, January 01, 2008

time to create in 2008

One of the things that I'm the most thrilled to have accomplished in 2007 was my craft/sewing room! Do you have any idea how much I love creating in that room?! Ok, so I haven't done a whole lot of creating... more like shooting pics and mending clothes and outfitting Mrs. McGillicutty. And can I just say, she has become quite the fashionista. Of course, if I had a figure like she has, I would too! I mean, we can't even share clothes! But that's another topic for another post...
So that leads me to another goal of mine... taking time to create... to do those things that I love to do ~ sewing, scrapping, designing, photography. I mean, it's not like I am needing inspiration to get me going. I have never been more inspired by all you bloggers that so willingly share your passions, your talents and inspire me to believe I can do anything you can do!

So enough is enough...
I have got to get started on all those projects I have swirling around in my head and make it happen! Now! In my favorite room, with my aqua phone, aqua Nano, Mrs. McGillicutty and me. I'm good to go!

You're not going to believe the story behind my vintage gingham apron collection!


  1. Have a wonderful trip!!! Your room looks incredible. You have done an amazing job!!!

  2. I don't know that anyone could help but be creative and inspired in a room like that! :) It's beautiful.

    Have a wonderful time! I love DW. :) Can't wait to hear all about it when you return!

  3. This is the cutest room! Have a great trip:)

  4. Linda, have a most wonderful time at Disneyworld with your family.



  5. Hi Linda,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to visit me and leave such sweet comments. It means so much to me. I'm so touched by this blog world that seemed so big, but is really so small!
    Way to go on saving for those tickets! I've never been but it will be fabulous!
    Happy New Year!

  6. Hey Linda girl! I hope you and Randy are feeling back to 100% for the trip! We'll be praying for you all. Take LOTS of great pics. That's also a place that Terry and I want to go, but I'm guessing we'll have to do it without the kids since they're moving off to all corners of the world...we'll see.

    Love the crafting room as always! I have a new addition for my scrapping room, but won't be showing it in the room just yet. Check my blog in the next hour or so and my surprise will be posted.

    I too have realized over this break that I've been really mourning my lack of time to be creative, because I've been inspired by so many things. Sometimes I feel like it's media overload with all the ideas coming at me through books, magazines, blogs, etc. but I've finally decided to do something about that. I look forward to having time to focus on more projects and crafts and creative activities on my own and with family & friends. We'll have to talk more when you get back.

  7. Have a great vacation!

    Happy New Year.

  8. Happy New Year Linda.
    What an amazing craft spot you have created! Have a wonderful time at Disneyworld :-}

  9. First and foremost, have a wonderful vacation--you deserve it!!!

    Secondly, I adore your room and want to come over and play crafting. Really, you have done such a fabulous job putting it all so nicely together, you should definitely start putting it to use!!

  10. Linda:

    Your room is absolutely gorgeous. I just want to step right through the computer and "create" with you!

    I hope you share all of your inspiration and creative ideas in the new year.

    God Bless,

    Debbie Kennedy

  11. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Have a great trip! miss you guys!

  12. Wow Linda -- thanks for finding my blog! I've had fun perusing your blog -- you have so much FUN stuff going on here! I love your sewing room, the mittens, and -- your waechtersbach, of course! Years and years ago, we lived about 30 minutes from the Waechtersbach factory, so, of course I had to have a few plates too! I-ll put you in my bunny draw!

  13. I love the apron photo - but I really love your craft room. Have fun in Disneyworld. I've been their twice - once w/hubby and once with the whole fam. The Christian Book show is in Orlando this year, too!
    Happy New Year, Linda!

  14. Oh dear, I have MASSIVE CRAFT ROOM ENVY. Huge, enormous, green envy!

    I've got my eye on a dress form--but they're selling for around $450 here. And I don't think Toben would understand.


    P.S. My friend Janna has one--hers is called Evelyn.

  15. Hi Linda! My name is Deanna and I compiling a book called, Creative Spaces for Papercrafters, and I would like to feature your room! I have an entire chapter dedicated to Repurposing and you are a perfect example of how awesome you can find new uses for old things and tie them all together! Please contaact me at: dwshain@comcast.net for more details! Well, after your vacation of course! ;)

  16. This room BELONGS in a book. It reminds me of something from Where Women Create.

  17. Love this room and especially the way that you have displayed your gingham aprons....beautiful.

  18. I love your room! I would love to have an incrediable room like that to craft/sew in. However I am stuck with only a dorm room to work in. Once again I am amazed by your room!

  19. nice blog! fantastic craft room! and..

    HAVE FUN AT WDW!!!!!!!! oh man, i'm so jealous ;) (';')I've added you to my cache.

  20. Oh Linda, If I went into your craft room I would never come out. It is priceless and I love your Chandelier :) I gave my dress form away years ago and oh I miss her. :( I don't have the room anymore but oh I am really thinking about the guest bedroom now...Lol Your website is just wonderful.... Have a Blessed day

    Hugs & Sunshine,

  21. Oh my goodness, I found you on Debbie's party and commented on your burlap blog and then wanted to know more about your style. What better place than to check out your creative space. OMG...its fantastic. I love it, all the little jars filled with goodies, the aprons as a valance in the closet. I hope to have a fabulous space like this in my next home next year. -Thanks for the inspiration.

  22. So many great ideas for storing all those bits and baubles! Love that apron collection, too! Thanks for linking up at the Workspace Showcase!!

  23. this is jaw droppingly beautiful. the hits of red here and there just MAKE it...great organization and still out and usable...great great space!
