Friday, January 11, 2008

vintage art piece

We interrupt this regularly scheduled Disney World post to bring you this.
Found this orange wooden thingy at Savers in December for two dollars and thought it would be perfect for my collection of wooden spools of thread. I have been wanting to photograph this funky piece of vintage art, so this morning I did just that. Yes, to me it's art. Full of color and texture and... panache. Sorry, but I have been wanting to use that word for a long time now, and well, this was as good a time as any!


  1. I love it! Do you think it was made to hold spools? Looks perfect for the job.

  2. Hey Linda, I have that same, old, faithful Kenmore sewing machine you have. My hubby purchased it for me for my birthday wwwaaayyyy back when we first got married - almost 27 years ago (how did all that time go so quickly?) They don't make sewing machines like that anymore. Most of them are all plastic now.



  3. It is a great piece. Clever use for it too. By the way I love the mini manequins in the background, especially the one with the tutu.

  4. How cool is that? I want one! *lol* Although I don't sew, have no spools of thread and have no idea what I would use it for! (I'd think of something!!) Thanks for sharing!!


  5. I, too, just love this piece. It makes your spools look fabulous!
