Friday, February 22, 2008

Please pray!

Oh my gosh, my grandbaby is going to be born tonight... 6 weeks early! I am asking you to please pray for this little baby.
I am scared, peaceful, anxious, excited, crying, laughing and pretty much every other emotion in-between.
Please pray that Nicole and the baby are healthy and that the C-section goes well.
Please pray that Shawn & Nicole will know the peace of God that passes all human understanding and they will put their trust in Him. Pray that we will all keep our eyes on Him. He is in control and He knows everything. This has not taken Him by surprise, even though this has shaken me to the core. He loves and adores this little baby even more than any of us can ever imagine and who am I to worry and fret. But I do... I am human... so Lord, I will choose to believe by faith that You will protect this little baby, that this little fighter will be strong and healthy.
Thank you dear friends and family and loved ones and those that I don't even know. I covet your prayers.
Thank you so much.


  1. Oh goodness! You all are in my prayers! I will be thinking of you tonight!

  2. Praying for you & your family tonight!!! Please keep us posted on the situation...
