Monday, April 28, 2008

books & links

Hey everyone! With all that has gone on the past couple months I have neglected to tell you about a couple books I won through the blog community.

I was thrilled to win this book that Sandy and her husband wrote- Married but not Engaged. Randy & I are so excited to read it and apply these truths to the marriage retreats we teach at.
And I also won a book that my dear friend Nancy offered on her blog- Experiencing the Resurrection by Henry Blackaby. Thanks Nancy!
Be sure to check out these delightful, informative blogs. They are both on my side bar.

And I finally put a link to my granddaughter Emolyn's blog on my side bar. Her Mommy Nicole will keep you posted about the 'coming and goings' of little Emolyn. Mmm, not so much 'goings' right now (just Dr. visits)... but she is 'coming' along like the little champ that she is and you will enjoy seeing pics of her amazing progress. She's our miracle baby all right!

And the SUNS won, avoiding a sweep by the SPURS! YEAH!
Ok, so no team has ever come back to take a series after being down 0-3... but it could happen. So I'm in for the long haul... one game at a time. GO SUNS!

I will leave you with Daddy and daughter pics. Emolyn just had her 2 month shots, so she is sporting a hot pink bandage under her 'daisy duke' shorts. (as her Mommy calls them) Cute or what!

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