Monday, June 02, 2008

Emolyn pretty in pink

My granddaughter Emolyn visited her great-grandma Emolyn last week. Emolyn's Mommy Nicole and I loved watching the two Emolyn's bond. And what a treat for Randy's Mom to have us spend time with her, as she is missing her husband of 65 years deeply. Randy's Dad would have been 86 years old on May 31st.
And isn't our little Emolyn just a doll! She's smiling now and let me tell you, she takes my breath away. I love her to pieces!


  1. She is just the cutest little peanut. I missed getting to see her dedicated at church on Mothers day since we were out of town. I really want to see her! And she sure looks like her daddy!

  2. What a lovely picture of the two Emolyns! Baby Emolyn is just precious! I can see why you're so proud.

    Take care!

  3. Look at her, all plump and pleasant! What a sweetie.
