Sunday, June 08, 2008

my little cupcake

** Edited below.
Gotta show you the sweetest cupcake ever. Ya, I thought you'd agree. Oh and we found out that on 6.6 she was 7.7. Yup, Emolyn (at 15 weeks) weighed in at 7 lbs. 7 oz. on June 6th! How easy is that to remember!
We went over to Shawn & Nicole's Friday night to celebrate Shawn's 26th birthday but needless to say, Emolyn stole the limelight. She's like that. But who can blame her, with all that cuteness and all.

And here we have Emolyn's Aunt Miranda telling her niece all about the wedding she was going to be attending the next day up in Flagstaff, AZ. Emolyn's very first road trip. Miranda went into great detail and Emolyn hung on to every word... especially the part about the bride looking like a Princess. Emolyn knows all about that. Being a Princess and all.

The birthday Daddy and his little cupcake plum tuckered out from too much party. However will she survive all the wedding festivities. Well she did. And let me tell you, what a celebration! Check back for some precious pics from Caleb & Kali's wedding. And yes, once again, Emolyn stole the limelight. It's that cuteness thing.
**** You must go over to Shawn's blog and read about their first day together with Mommy back at work. Too precious. Too funny. Go here.


  1. Babies have that effect...they're gifted at stealing the show.

    Hooray for Caleb & Kali! Can't wait to see pics.

  2. She is such a cutie! I love the cupcake outfit...happy birthday shawn!

  3. I love the pix of Mommy and Daughter. Precious.

  4. awesome post! I just posted about my first full day with her. check it out.

  5. She is just too cute! And hurry up and post those wedding pictures since I didn't get to attend!
