Friday, July 18, 2008

I love blueberry pies!

Today I made a blueberry pie. My favorite way to enjoy blueberries. As I said in a post this morning, I love raspberries. But they should only be eaten alone. I mean with nothing else. One berry at a time. They are so deliciously perfect that why would you add anything to them. But that's just me.
Anyway, I like to bake, especially pies. My Mom made at least two pies every single week of my growing up years. She still does. And we had desserts at every single meal. I don't. So making a good pie crust was something I was determined to master. Now my Mom always made pie crusts using lard. And she makes THE BEST PIE CRUST! I don't use lard, but I think my crusts are pretty darn good, considering I don't use lard.

I found these little pie crust shields several years ago at a dollar store. They keep your crust from burning before it's done. The four aluminum shields complete a 9 inch pie plate. Much better than trying to cover the edges with foil. Oh and I found my Pampered Chef stone pie plate for a dollar at a thrift store. They make a real good pie turn out even better! I am so serious. There is nothing like baking on stone.

So I thought I'd set my camera on a timer and get in on some pie action. Well, Koda beat me to it, so I quickly try to squeeze in-between Tyler and Randy and... as quick as a wink, Koda gives me a kiss for the camera.
We love our Koda Pop! And Koda loves my pie crust.

I have been praising God all afternoon while baking! Go on over to my daughter-in-law Nicole's blog and read all about Emolyn's near serious mishap HERE. Thank the Lord that Emolyn is OK and hopefully Nicole's foot will heal quickly. Shopping carts scare me to death! Reading Angie and Kristen's comments from Nicole's post made me cry, just thinking how blessed we are that they are all OK!
So, be careful out there using those shopping carts! You never know when you might hit a bad patch of road and the cart tips over. Thankfully Emolyn was still buckled in her car seat! Nicole, you're the best Mommy!
Oh, did you catch my post from this morning? Read on...


  1. I am so jealous that pie looks delicious. I have never tried to make a pie. I am too scared! I am not a natural baker.

  2. Linda!
    You make me want to bake a pie!!! I can't even remember the last time I baked anything! LOL!! Your pie looks perfect and YUMMY!!!!
    I wish we did things more like the old days. I am so impressed to hear that your mom made a pie twice a week, every week. Wow!!!!
    Have a Great Week!!!!!
    Hugs to you!!!!!!!!!!
