Monday, July 14, 2008

let the monsoon season begin!

Man oh man, did we have a gully-washer of a storm yesterday!! We have never witnessed such flooding in all my years in the Valley! Our street was a raging river! Ok, so maybe not the raging part... but a river none the less. Here in Tempe, they say we got 2.4 inches, but our rain gauge says we got lots more. All I know is that I was thrilled to be barefoot in rain up to my knees, with my camera under my red umbrella, snapping over 75 pics! I kept running back 'n forth from front yard to back yard screaming with joy, while Randy was anxiously watching the rain rising fast and furious.

After the storm died down, we went over to our park, three doors down to hear dozens of frogs croaking like crazy! Here in the Valley, most every housing development has a sunken park that becomes a "lake" when it rains. All the neighbors gather after the storms with their kids and dogs and frolic in the "lake"! So, we joined in on the fun too, grabbing one of the frogs to show the neighborhood kids before it jumped back in the water. How fun to feel like a kid again! Clic the pic to see this little cutie smiling for the camera.


  1. So sad that we missed the fun times!!! The pictures are so beautiful of the rain, makes me miss the AZ monsoon season.

  2. Wow! I can not believe how much rain you got. And we didn't get half that much! Which is kinda good since our Arizona room is about to collapse!

  3. We got a little rain up here but not nearly what Tempe got. What fun! I'm always looking forward to the next storm. They're my favorite part of this time of year here.

  4. Wow I heard about your rain, thanks for sharing pictures (:
    Hugs, Diane

  5. It's been raining alot up here too! Love, love, love it! It used to amaze me how excited everyone got about the I get it! LOL! Our yard always floods and we have quite a river in the street when it rains and I love going and playing in the "river"! Such a kid!!
    Enjoy the monsoon!


  6. Oh Linda! You really did get some GREAT pics!!!!! You peeps in Tempe really got hammered! It was Beautiful though. :-)
    I just spent a few minutes catching up with your blog and now I've decided that I need a farm to go to. How wonderful to have that to go to each year. You are truly blessed! Speaking of being blessed, that lil' grandbaby of yours is adorable!!!!!
    Hugs to you!


  7. Hi Linda,,, Thanks for leaving a post on my blog! I loved that storm we had, but I was out driving. I have never seen anything like it! Its so nice to meet you. I was looking through your blog, its such a small world. My boyfriend is from Wisconsin. I saw on one of your post the little yellow, pink, and green plastic cases with handle and the little flowers on them. I havent seen one of those in years. I loved those when I was a little girl.! They had plastic rain bonnets in them. How fun to see them.
    Thanks for asking about my jewelry. I am hoping to get my things into some local shops later this year. Right now I have a website and an etsy shop that sell online. Feel free to have a look. Thanks so much. If you dont mind I will add your blog to my favorite blogs to visit.Have a great day....gail

  8. wow that sure looks like more the 2.5 inches to me too!!

    How fun to slosh in that, I love the visual of you squealling with your camera!!!
