Friday, July 25, 2008

our favorite things

One of my very favorite bloggers wants to see "our favorite things". So check out Cindy's blog HERE and you will find others that have posted their favorite things too.
But before I tell you about my favorite thing, I want to tell you about Cindy's favorite thing... her 3-tiered dish. Don't you LOVE it! Her parents bought it many years ago from... are you ready for this.... Disneyland!! They recently gave it to her and she was thrilled because it has always been her favorite thing from her parents home. I absolutely adore it Cindy!

One of my favorite things is my gingham apron collection! As many of you already know, I bought each of these at my little thrift store over a four month period, one at a time. They are glorious works of art! I was stunned each time I would find another one in another color.
And I never paid more than a dollar for each one. Be sure to clic the pic to see the detail in the various "hen scratch" stitching. Pure perfection! Read more about my apron collection from an earlier post HERE and you will also meet another one of my favorite things... Mrs. McGillicutty. She's not a person, well she sorta is... decide for yourself by also reading about her HERE.


  1. I have a collection of chicken scratch aprons as well...I've even made a few myself :-) I don't have mine displayed though, you've inspired me to get mine out! ~Cheryl

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Your collection is wonderful. I love aprons too. There is something so comforting about them.


  3. Wow! I love this collection....I can remember our church used to have a stand at our local carnival every year and one of the things they sold were these gingham aprons that some of the ladies made. Your display is very nice....I will be back to check out your blog.

  4. What a darling display and I noticed that they match your cups on the other wall in the picture! They all look so happily married there together!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  5. Ohhh, that's what I love about group it all together and you get the WOW factor! Those look great!

    Thanks for joining in!

  6. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I love how you have them displayed! :)

  7. What a super-fun collection! It looks like an apron party. :o)

  8. I love your aprons and the way they are displayed. What a wonderful collection!!

  9. I love your aprons. I also read the posts you linked to - I love Mrs. McGillicutty! I am still laughing out loud. I'll be back soon to read more. And thanks for your visit!


  10. Linda,
    These are great! And I must say Mrs. McGillicutty looks lovely in red!

  11. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I love your apron collection! I've been thinking of making my kitchen valances out of something similar. And, $1.00 each! WOW!

  12. Anonymous11:01 PM

    What a fun collection - and what a bargain!!! ...Donna

  13. Hi Linda!
    Thanks for coming to my blog! I did notice that you are from Tempe. I have been looking through your blog and I think I have seen your husband in concert ...maybe at our church.
    Anyway... I love your blog! PLEASE come see me again. I'll be visiting you too!

  14. Well my heart skipped a beat when I laid my eyes on your wonderful collection.

    Mother used to make the most amazind dresses for me out of gingham and just the mention of the word takes me back to my wonderful childhood days.

    Thanks for sharing.

  15. Hi Linda,

    We are neighbors! I am in the west valley. It seems we are also kindred spirits as I love aprons as well. :)

  16. New Video Blog Up!

  17. Love your vintage apron collection Linda!! Also love those coffee cups displayed too. My mom had a set of those dishes that we ate off of. . . every. . . single. . . night when I was a kid. Thanks for the reminder of the "memories!"



  18. I have enjoyed checking in on your blog since early spring. I love your apron collection. I have aprons that I have inherited, bought at auctions and sold at our gift shop, but I have never had an area to display them like you.

    At a bridal shower I attended yesterday, the
    "bride-to-be" received several great aprons in colorful prints. Aprons are very much in again with "younger" cooks...that's a good thing!

  19. I love the variety of colors you've found with the aprons! No wonder they are a favorite 'thing' of yours :)

  20. I always love seeing your aprons. I have one. Yep, one little gingham apron. That's all I've found around here! But that's ok...there will be more when it time!
    Thanks for sharing!!


  21. sLinda, sweet Linda:

    Everytime I see "gingham" I think of you! So sweet and so cheerful. Thank you for sharing your collection.....and thank you for being YOU!!!

    Look forward to meeting you in a few weeks in Tempe....

    Debbie Kay

  22. Nothing brings back another time and place faster than a gingham apron. They look so cheerful hanging all together. I read your post about Mrs. M and wondered if you knew that Tiffany at Shabby Scraps is having a dress form party on August 1.
