Monday, August 11, 2008

cute as a button

I love buttons. I love looking at them. Sorting them. Hoarding them. Ya, I have a hard time using them on projects.
I have actually bought several garments at thrift stores and yard sales, just for the buttons.
I especially love big, old coat buttons. The vintage jar below holds all my treasured coat buttons.

But the cutest button of them all? Well, that would be my granddaughter Emolyn of course!
So I'm thinking, all Grandma's should have a button basket, right? Mine did. So I'm looking forward to the day that Emolym is old enough to play with all of my buttons... sorting them by color and size, counting them. Just as I did. She will love the sparkles in my rhinestone buttons. Oh, and all the crafting and sewing we will do together. OK, I may even let her use some of my buttons.


  1. Well, we once again have something in common. I too collect buttons just because I played in my grandmother's buttons. When Mama Stinson passed away and her things divided, I asked for the old coffee can of buttons. I loved the little bear button in there the best. I love the way you have organized your buttons. I will have to do the same thing.

  2. I apologize in advance for any buttons emolyn may swallow or ruin in some other way.

  3. So Big!! What a precious button of all! Thank you so much Linda for all the well wishes! I'm such an inpatient person to recover and it has surely had its moments. Just curious, was that a pink crocheted cake in the buttons? Looked cute! Well glad God gave me some added energy to stop by today! Thanks again for being so caring! Love,Lori

  4. I too love buttons! Mom just let Mya and Kennady play with her buttons but man I think she regretted it later...they were everywhere. Kennady organized and Mya just made a mess!

  5. My grandma had a pile of fabric scrap strips that I would play with for hours. So fun!

  6. I'm new here.. found you on IKEA hack. Love your site--style and charm. Congrats on your grandbaby. Even if I'm a Yankee, I love the MawMaw talk. Cute.

  7. I love buttons too, vintage of course! My what a big Girl. I always played with my Moms and my Grandmothers buttons growing up.
    Hugs, Diane

  8. I love all of your buttons! The baby is so sweet.

    Stop by my blog, I am having a give away.

  9. I LOVE THE BUTTONS, as well as all the little do dads, i just love being able to craft something or just have everything out so i can se it. love the use of jars. very cute... and hopefully one day my son will play with my buttons, although from the looks of it, buttons are far from his mind lol... its all lizards and dinosaurs
