Friday, August 22, 2008

I got a haircut!

Hey, I got a haircut!! My sister's will be thrilled to see these pics, as I have had my hair the same length for years.
I am probably exaggerating if I tell you I go to a salon a couple times a year... ya, I rarely ever go! I tend to chop at it myself. I even gave myself perms throughout the 80's and 90's. And yes, I even taught my husband to roll the rods in areas I couldn't reach!

But this time I wanted a change... a big change. And I must say, I am loving it! I feel so free and sassy!
Thanks to Laurie at Ragtops in Tempe! Check her out HERE.

I actually went to Cosmetology school right out of high school and worked a couple years in a salon before moving to Phoenix 30 years ago. I never worked in a salon again. But man oh man, I have saved our family a ton of money over the years by cutting their hair.

Guess what!! Emolyn Kate is 6 months old today!!! She was born on a Friday evening, Feb. 22nd, weighing 2 # 7 oz.. Her Mommy just called to tell me that today she weighed 10# 4 oz. at her 6 month check-up! YEH! She's our little miracle baby!
And my oh my, what a cutie pie!


  1. LOVE the haircut! Is your color darker too? I like it! You look beautiful!

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    That cute girl with the really cute haircut is my wife and I love her very much!

  3. Linda, I love your haircut and you do look cute and sassy!

  4. Linda, I LOVE your new hair cute. You look sooo much younger - certainly NOT like a grandma.

    I've been on vacation and sooo behind on things and checking in on my blogging buddies. Glad to see all is well - - -and Emolyn Kate is now a healthy, happy 6 month old!!



  5. oh my goodness i love it!!!!!!

  6. Very nice! Hip and sassy.

  7. gorgeous cut Linda! I have come across a couple of blogs I thought you might like:

  8. I am so glad you cut it, it looks awesome!

  9. I adore your new is perfect for you! Makes you look so much younger too!Thanks for stopping by my blog.I love your garden, too.Have a blessed day dear sister in Christ!
    xxxooo Ruth

  10. Love, love, LOVE the cut!! Looks fab on you~ what fun!
    (I love cutting that cut too!)

    Emolyn is such a doll~

  11. Love your hair cut....don't know you but you look much younger with the are pretty anyway though and a wonderful must have a special heart....sherry
