Wednesday, September 03, 2008

make a difference

I am sitting here with tears pouring down my face.
Sarah Palin has just accepted the nomination for Vice-President of the United States.
I immediately felt the need to journal this moment. To remember how I felt and why this has moved me to such an extent.

I clearly remember the morning I read in the paper that the 44 year old Governor of Alaska had just given birth to her 5th child... a Down Syndrome baby. I found myself wanting to know more about her. I've thought of her often since then and wondered.
And now I am delighted to finally know more of who Sarah Palin is. She is a woman of faith, passionate about her state and country and relentless about her convictions. And like me, she has a 19 year old son. Her son is going to Iraq next week. Mine wants to.
She is someone I could approach. And she would listen. She seems normal. Like me. She's not perfect. Just wanting to make a difference. To matter.
Well, she has already made a difference. And she surely matters... to her family, to the State of Alaska, to her country, to women all across the nation.
But what if there is more for her to do?
And what if her sphere of influence expands and she makes an even bigger difference?
No matter what happens in this election, she has already inspired us all to believe that we have much more to do. That my influence can expand by my willingness to give my life away. To invest in the life of another. To boldly share my faith.

SO, what if we all get behind this election and vote for our candidate of choice?
And know that WE ARE making a difference. And that it really DOES matter.


  1. I didn't know anything about her history. I really need to do my research!

  2. Amen to that! What a thrill it is to know that we may be blessed to have a sincere and Godly woman in this high position of leadership!

  3. Anonymous6:01 AM

    You communicate your heart so well Linda. I appreciate that about you. Thanks for your thoughts on Sarah Palin. Stacey

  4. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I really enjoyed hearing her last night too. I think that was the first convention I watched on purpose.

  5. Anonymous9:24 AM

    You said a mouthful! What a great lady she is I wish the liberal media would see her that way. But they don't give her a fair shot but then they are behind Obama. Vicki Page

  6. I miss everything by working at night. Thank goodness for YouTube.

  7. I thought she did a fantastic job, too. It inspired me to start reading up on the candidates. I'm pretty sure how I'm going to vote, but better to be informed and vote my conscience, like you said.

  8. Last night I saw plenty of camera cutaways to different people holding the baby, but not many concrete policy proposals. Now, I understand this is her introduction to the country and that who she is and where she has come from is important, but the future is what I'm concerned about. Let's see what she has to say about using her power beyond "drill, baby, drill."

  9. I am energized and so excited about Sarah Palin!! I am hopeful that Sarah will bring voters. My vote was going to be against Obama and now I am excited to be voting for candidates! Our country needs the smarts, common sense, faith and commitment that I see in Sarah Palin! (Found your blog through Brin's. )

  10. Sarah won my vote. She is all American and I too would love to meet her. She will do a wonderful job.

  11. I adore Sarah Palin!! She's and McCain both have my vote!!



  12. I think Sarah Palin was the best speaker at the convention, and that includes McCains speech. I admire her strength and what she has accomplished. But, She did not say anything politically that would sway me from the Obama ticket.

  13. I loved what you had to say!

    Great post, and GREAT candidate. I'm so excited about McCain and Palin. Real people.

  15. Anonymous7:52 AM

    You ladies are being conned by all the hype. Sara Palin is as corrupt and dishonest as the next politician, except that she will be a "heartbeat away." God save us all from this neophyte.

    What was John McCain thinking?

  16. Linda:

    I too cried when I listened to her speech and wathced as she accepted the nomination. I just know that God has great plans for this nation in the upcoming election. Her story and testimony are an inspiration to all women. Love ya!


  17. I am amazed at how well she's "realin 'em in". She certainly has brought a breath of fresh air into politics. I find her to be very inspiring as well. Thank goodness they found her.

  18. I don't know. I suppose it's a positive thing what she's doing for women as far as an image, advancement thing, but I didn't really hear her say much but partisan rhetoric. That and "parents of special needs kids will have an advocate in the white house," and how hard is that to say?

    She's been governor for 2 years, and she has a 10% of becoming the next president within the next 4 years, should mccain get elected. Governor for 2 years, and we're getting ready to possibly hand her the most powerful position in the world. I really think this is a dangerous bit of pandering.

  19. Linda!
    Come over to my blog. I have a clip from the night of the convention that she spoke. I'm with you. I think that she is just AWESOME!


  20. AMEN!!!! I'm LOVING your blog!!!! It's awesome!!

  21. Yes, I had tears and so did my husband!! We are thrilled with her and McCain....they have both fought the good fight, even against their own party if it is corrupt....Hooray!! for McCain's choice...very thoughtfully done and courageous...that says a lot....sherry
