Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We interrupt

this regularly scheduled posting of our travel adventures to bring you-

our 7 month old granddaughter Emolyn Kate, weighing in at a pleasingly plump 11 pounds!

News bulletin- she loves her veggies! And doesn't she wear them well?

Hey, do you want to see Emy in action? Well then, head on over to watch her Daddy's video blog post HERE. It's precious.
Her Pop-Pop & Grammy are in Custer, South Dakota and we miss her terribly.

*** More vacation posts to come!


  1. LOL....these are so cute! Have fun on your trip! I have a few more weeks before I go on vacation.

  2. Your trip looks like its going great! I am so glad Shawn got that video up for you. Hopefully more posts when I am feeling better

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    What a comical photo of Miss Emmy! She's precious.

    Laurie S.
