Friday, October 03, 2008

Boomer & Reba

This little puppy is giving us hours of entertainment, especially when the neighbor dog comes over to play. Poor Reba misses her buddy Ole terribly. You see Ron & Deb's beloved dog Ole was run over a few weeks ago. Ole & Reba were inseparable. So little Boomer is helping everyone get over the loss of Ole.

Boomer loves climbing all over Reba... chewing on her tail and floppy ears... testing Reba's patience till Reba has had about enough. What a precious Mama she is to Boomer.

Hey, it was 28 degrees when we woke up this morning. I am loving it!


  1. so so cute,
    glad you're having fun (and taking pictures and blogging)

  2. I love to smell puppy breath! The baby looks so loveable. Br-r-r 28 degrees is more than chilly.

  3. Oh! Dogs are wonderful.
