Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I voted today!

And it was so exciting! Really. Randy & I left the house at 5:50, got in line and got back in our van at 6:50, just as the sun was coming up. We had the best conversations with several that were in line with us. In fact, we were reminded to get our free coffee at Starbucks. So we did. But that too meant getting in another line. But that was fun too. I got such a sense that everyone was anxious and excited to be a part of something big.
But here's the deal, no matter what happens today, God is still on the throne. He knows everything. He see the big picture. He can be trusted.
So there you go... now get out there and vote!


  1. Anticipataing the outcome of this day can be a little scary, but the assuring thiing is this: God is still God, and He's God all by Himself. Whatever happens, He has allowed. He will see His people through, regardless of who goes into office. Have a great day!

  2. I couldn't agree more....in fact I started to post about the same thing. It may be a time for Americans to truly turn to Him to rely MORE on Him.....He is the TRUE KING.

  3. You can get a free donut at Krispy Kreme and a free chicken sandwich at some Chick-fil-a's if you vote too.

    Isn't it awesome to know that God is the one that sets the rulers in place? HE knows what he's doing.

  4. I'm all settled in to see the results pouring in!
