Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve day

Our sweet little Emolyn Kate on Christmas Eve day! She has no idea that she is about to discover the sights and sounds of foil wrapping paper, pretty ribbons & bows and boxes & bags of all sizes & shapes! Let's be honest, those are the best to a ten month old!

Miranda opening up a gift from Nicole... long nubby, knitted gloves for England while Emolyn is sporting the latest in hair bows.

Nicole loved the scrabble tile pendant that I ordered for her. (remember, she's a nurse)
*** Oh my gosh, HomeStudios is having an after Christmas sale... free shipping AND all Christmas pendants are $3.99!! Hey, don't leave me yet... can you at least finish my post before you... um, you see, I'm almost done, then you can go order a pendant, or two, or four... whew, thanks.

Miranda got Emolyn the sweetest baby-grand piano! Emy loves pounding on it and gets quite tickled with herself. And she happens to play the first two lines of Jingle Bells quite well.

OK, so who in the heck are the Notes of Norway? Well, they are a well known polka band back home in Wisconsin. We have danced to the Notes of Norway over the years at wedding receptions, 50th Anniversary parties and other such doings. Our son Shawn was thrilled to get a framed album that I found in my parents basement when we were back there in October.

And what did I get from Shawn & Nicole that made me cry? Why pictures of my grandbaby of course! And what did I get on Christmas Day that made me cry? Well, check back for my Christmas Day post, coming soon, to a blog near you.

Tyler loves his new shirt from Shawn & Nicole. He can't wait to wear it with the peacoat that we got him for Christmas. That boy is stylin.

Like I said, foil wrapping paper is so crinkle shiny and rivals them vintage velvety bows as a favorite with the young'uns. Emy couldn't agree more.

And at the end of the day, Popop received the best gift of all... Emolyn falling asleep in his arms. The best feeling ever he says. I couldn't agree more.


  1. A great big "Awwwwwww' for that last picture!!!

    Grandbabies are THE BEST, aren't they?

  2. Great shots! We had such a fun time and I know Emolyn did too! I can't wait to get copies of all these great pictures!

  3. merry late christmas linda! i love the pictures, sweet baby emolyn with the bow on her head! and your family pix below are blessed. :)

  4. Thanks Linda for the comment. I will hold you to it! I have already started my new year stuff today, by cleaning out 3 kitchen drawers.
    Merry Christmas
    Love Brandi

  5. Oh my, I would have been crying too! It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!
